15. Innocence

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Angel dust

I watch on in aw as Alastor summons a doll and hands it to Samantha, her running off to go play with it. "So Angel dust yes?" I look over at Molly's hasband, Adam. "It's just Angel." I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck with my hand.

"My apologies Angel, you were working for Valentino for almost seventy four years correct?" He asks taking a sip of his tea. "Yeah, Bambi over here helped get rid of him." I laugh, looking over at Alastor his face clearly unamused at the nickname I called him, especially in front of Mollys husband.

"I had a friend that worked for him, quite a horrible expierence from what I've heard." Hearing a crash, followed by Samantha starting to cry from the other room he gets up. "Excuse me for just a moment, I won't take long." He says clearly annoyed at the possiable mess he'll have to clean.

I stare over at Alastor, same creepy smile on his face, he places a hand on my knee, leaning in and kissing my cheek. "You're so good with kids, I wish you would let people see the good in you."

"I have no reason to harm the child my dear, shes full with joy and innocence. This place changes a demon, for better or worse. Until then she has all the time in hell to choose what kind of demon she wants to be." I look at him sorrowfully, he was right, this place changes even the purest of demons.

The only bright spot in hell is Molly, she got caught up in our familys crimes and now she has to pay for it, thankfully this place hasn't changed her one bit though it does backfire at times.

"Sorry about that, she broke a vase that clumsy girl." Adam laughs as he sits back down. "It's no problem, kids are quite energetic, often causing damage in the process." Alastor laughs picking up his tea and taking a sip.

"Yes however the adventure of parenting is quite rewarding, although Molly will be quite upset about the vase." He laughes, as I hear a door slam open and shut upstairs.

"What in the name of all that is unholy did she break this time?!?" Molly yells storming down the stairs, hair wet and dripping water all over the place. There a few moments of silence before I hear the door leading out to their backyard open and slam shut.

We all turn to stare back at Molly, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance before opening her eyes and staring at me. "Hi Angel, sorry about that, it's the fourth thing shes broken this week. I might just have to start bubble rapping everything or putting things out of reach." She laughs awkwardly.

"It's fine really we get it." I laugh, grabbing Alastors hand. "Besides I could buy you a new vase if you want."


I watch as Angel converses with his sister. My mind elsewhere, I find it rather funny he has a twin as Anthony also had one, although I never met her as she died in her late teen years, he never even told me her name.

Then I start thinking about Valentino, Rosie has kept her word assisting in the search, there has been traces of him in the outskirts of the city but no exact pin pointed location. This all making the chance that he somehow survived more likely, I doubt anyone would drag his repulsive body around.

My shadow has heard of a sighting, rather the moth is alive or not they aren't sure. His coat and hat was also found, the coat having a hole surrounded with red crimson blood right where I stabbed him.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Angel tapping my shoulder. "Are you ok Al? You haven't really said anything." He whispers, obviously worried. I still haven't told him about the situation with the moth. Worried it could undo months of progress Angel has made.

I don't want to risk that.

Even if it means he is completely unaware that he could be in danger at any given moment. As long as one of my shadows is lurking in the shadows, watching over him, I can go about my days peacefully.

"Never better my dear." I reply calmly. He look at me for a few seconds unsure as to rather or not to believe me. Keeping my usual wide smile on "Ok.." he murmurs suspiciously, turning to go back to talking to Molly and Adam.

"Well we should really get going it's really getting late and fat nuggets needs to be fed soon." Angel laughs standing and grabbing his bag from the coffee table, me also standing and summoning my michrophone. "Aw ok, well come by anytime Sugar."

Samantha comes running up, hugging my legs. "Please don't go!" She cries wiping her tears on my pants. "I guess shes grown fond of you." Molly laughs as I pick the small girl up. "Yes it appears she has." I laugh as she wraps her hands around my neck, hugging me tight.

"It is rather strange though, shes usually quite shy." Adam comments. "I'll say, the girl has barely said a thing to me!" Angel laughs punching my arm lightly.

The girl looks into my eyes, tears running down her cheeks. "Do not worry little one, this isn't goodbye forever. I shall visit again soon!" Although I am not fond of children, this girl truly has a grip on me. "No!" She yells hugging me even tighter as everyone in the room bursts out laughing.

"Ok sweetie let go of Alastor now please." Molly laughs nervouly as she trys to take the girl, failing as the girl instead wraps her other two sets of arms around me.

"Ok dear please do let me go now." I laugh nervously as Adam grabs the girl and tries to remove her from me this time. Only to be unsuccessful. She tightens her grip around my neck, making it hard to breath. "Oh my god Al!" Angel yells


I felt bad because a lot of angst is coming up so heres a wholesome chapter, I know I'm the best haha. Really suprised I got this out so quickly, maybe I've just been that bored lately. Anyways I'll try and get a chapter out tommorrow, you guys are not ready for that one haha. Love ya <3

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