9. Happy tears

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This chapter will have just a tad bit of angst.

Angel dust

"Charles ya really gotta calm down, it's not that big of a deal dammit! And quit hugging me so tight you're gonna kill me." I try and pry myself free from Charlie's grasp.

"It's just I'm so happy for you two!" Charlie sobs, hugging me even tighter. I didn't even know it was possible to be hugged this tight. Much less coming from Charlie.

"Charlie you should let him go, his eyes are coming out of their sockets." Vaggie warns, grabbing Charlie's shoulders and pulling her away from me a little bit.

"Let her keep going it'll be funny."Husk chuckles taking a sip from his beer bottle. "You'll be next kitty." Niffty yells, while trying her best to hug Husk tightly.

"With a small body like yours you're not gonna do much kid."Husk laughs while patting her back.

"I'm going to write so many fan fictions of you two!" Niffty squeals, bouncing around the front lobby. "Ok Charles now ya really gotta let me go, gettin kinda hard to breath here."

Instead of letting me go she hugs me even tighter, my back cracks as she continues sobbing. "Al a little help over here!" I yell as I keep trying to get free. She may be small but damn is she strong!

"Charlie you're going to kill the poor spider." Alastor laughs as he and Vaggie grab one of her arms and pull, They all fall back on the floor as I land on the comfy couch I was sat on.

Me, Husk and Niffty burst out in laughter as they start to get up. I can feel my lungs burning, having had no time to catch my breath it hurts like hell to be laughing this hard but this is fuckin hilarious!


I start to get up and catch a glimps of Angel laughing. His laugh is so beautiful.

He's so beautiful.

Everything about him reminds me of Anthony. His eyes, smile, laugh. Even his hair is styled almost exactly the same as Anthony would do it.

"Someone's in love~" Charlie teases as I realize the others have already gotten up and that I've been staring at Angel for a while now.

I look back at Angel as he and I both turn a bright red. I turn into a shadow and appear behind Angel. "You're not wrong my dear." Angel screaming shortly after.

"Fuckin hell Alstor I told ya not to scare me like that anymore!" Angel yelled as he punched my arm. "I think it's funny." Husk laughs.

"Yes well we will be at my house now goodbye!" I teleport both me and Angel to my room. "Dammit Al you really gotta give me some warning next time you teleport me!" Angel yells as he gets up from the floor.

"Sorry my dear, why don't you get comfortable on my bed while I get started on dinner."

"Or I could get started on dinner and you can take a shower stinky boy." he laughs as he plants a kiss to my cheek.

"Fine." I groan as I grab a change of clothes and head towards the bathroom. "Love ya!" Angel yells as I close the door. "Love you more." I yell as I turn on the water. I've been putting this off for a while now.

This isn't going to be fun.

Angel dust

"Ugh!" I yell as I keep trying to think of something to make for dinner. Pizza it is. Grabbing my phone off the counter I call and order the pizza. With nothing left to do afterwards but wait.

I spend the next few minutes scrolling on my phone, getting rid of anything I didn't need. I hear a knock at the door, "Coming!" I yell as I grab my wallet and run towards the door.

Opening the door I'm met with a suprising sight.


"Travis? What are you doing delivering pizzas?" I ask as I take the pizza from him and start counting my money.

"Wife said if I didn't want her to leave that I needed to get a second job." he laughs as he takes the cash from me.

"What she find out she wasn't the only bitch you were fucking?"

"Yes." he replies blankly. I then realize he's staring at my chest fluff. "Oh ok. Well good luck with that!" I laugh as I slammed the door shut.

Can't even pay for pizza without the bitch checking me out. Mumbling to myself I head towards the kitchen and wait for Al to come down and eat.

As I'm about to go back to my phone and realize I have a voicemail.


I feel my eyes start to water as tears threaten to leave my eyes. It's been 75 years since I've last spoken to her, Valentino wanted to cut me off from everyone I cared about and that included Molly.

I thought after how I left she wouldn't want anything to do with me.

I was wrong.

"Are you ok Angel?"


A scream leaves Angel. "Sweet Lucifer Al we gotta put a bell on you!" he yells, punching my arm a little. "Sorry my dear I'll try not to startle you next time. Is everything ok though?"

"Yea everythings fine, I ordered us pizza." he sniffles as he hands me a slice. "If you say so." is all I can manage to say.

Something tells me everything isn't ok.


Another chapter already!?! Yea I can't believe it either. Something about this headache has me really working on new chapters. This isn't the longest one ever but I'll release another one soon hopefully.

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