6. The aftermath

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I walk up to the hotel, before leaving the studios I put my coat around Angel to cover him up. He has a lot of bruises, cuts and he's lot a lot of blood. I struggle to open the door when suddenly Husk opens it. "What the fuck happened to him!?" He yells ushering me inside. "Valentino attacked him, he's taken care of though." I say as I step inside. To which I'm met with Charlie screaming. "Alastor what happened to Angel!?" She cries, as she attempts to take him from me.

"Valentino happened, I'll be taking him up to my room to monitor him." I calmly replied. "You can't just take him up to your room, he needs medical attention!" Charlie yells. "I'm sorry Charlie but this isn't up for debate he's coming with me."

"You can't just take him when you feel like it Alastor, especially if Charlie doesn't want you to." Vaggie glares at me while holding a sphere to my throat. "Like I said, not up for debate. " I say as I snap my fingers to teleport us to my house instead. I stand in front of my house. It's been a while since I've been here, haven't been back since I started working with Charlie a year ago.

I walk up and unlock the front door. I head upstairs to the spare room and place Angel on the bed. I go to the bathroom to get the first aid kit and head back to check Angels injuries. A few bruises and cuts but nothing too serious. I get started on cleaning the blood off of him so I can disinfect the cuts and bandage them. Looking of him like this reminds me of when I would help Anthony after his father would beat him up.

Something about Angel reminds me so much of Anthony, maybe it's his accent or his laugh or his smile. I haven't loved anyone since Anthony. I didn't even know I was capable of loving to begin with, much less love for a second time. I long to see my Anthony again someday but it's been 85 years since my decent to hell. Maybe it's time to try and move on.

I'm finish bandaging Angel and sit next to him, summoning a book to read. Only a few minutes pass until he starts to wake up.

Angel dust

My whole body feels sore and my vision is blurry. I turn to see Alastor sitting next to me and I realize I'm in some room, not Alastors room though. "Al?" He looks up from the book he is reading and smiles "Hello Angel, how do you feel?"

"I feel like I just got hit by a truck, what happened?" All I remember is a tentacle grabbing Val and after that. Nothing. "After you blacked out I took care of Valentino, you won't ever have to worry about him ever again." He cups my cheek.

"Wait.. Did you kill him?" I feel tears in my eyes. "Yes." He answers blankly. I start to cry, finally after 75 years with the bastard I'm free. "Does this upset you?" Alastor asks looking at me worried.

"No Al that's the best news I could ever receive thank you!' I pull him into a tight embrace, crying into his shoulder. "I'm glad you're happy Angel" he hugs me back, holding me close.


Being able to hold Angel like this, knowing he won't ever have to worry about Valentino or anyone hurting him ever again.

I feel relieved.

"We should celebrate!" Angel yells and he pulls away. "That's a great idea, any places in mind?" He stares up at the ceiling for a moment before snapping his fingers "How about Mimzy's, I've always wanted to go there but Val would never let me."

"Well now that you're free of that moths grasp you get to make your own choices, Mimzy's sounds good darling, but until then how about I get started on breakfast?"  I say as I start to get up. "Can I help? After I used the bathroom at least."

"If you want to yes, bathroom is there." I point toward the bathroom door. "Thanks." Angel says as he gets up. I step out of the room and into the hallway, as I'm heading to the kitchen I stop in front of a room I haven't been in since I arrived in hell. I reach out to open the door but quickly pull my hand back. "No" is all I managed to mutter before continuing to make my way towards the kitchen.


Hey babes. So here's the deal, I have finals so next chapter might be delayed by a day or two, I really want to study for this. My last day of school is June 14 so after that no distractions until I start summer school. I will be on a month long hiatus when I start summer school, I can't afford to fail it or I will have to retake it sophomore year. Which I don't want ofc. After that it will hopefully be back to normal until I have midterms sophomore year.

Other than that, happy pride Month, I feel as though this is a good time to come out because tbh I don't think I've actually done that. Plus I kinda owe y'all because I'm always updating a little late haha.

I'm bisexual, asexual and non binary (they/them).

If you don't respect my pronouns or sexuality then you'll be blocked 😇

Ok bye love you all ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡

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