17. Midnight lovin'

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Ya'll liked the last NSFW chapter enough I'm doing one more for this book. So this is your one and only warning. Also angst I'm SORRY ok.

Angel dust

I hum along to a song on the radio while washing dishes, drying a plate with rag I place it to the side without looking. It falls off the counter and breaks, shards spreading all over the floor. Annoyed, I turn the water off so I can get a broom and clean up the mess when I feel a pair of hands grabbing onto my waist, pulling me back towards them.

"You're back late." I whisper annoyed, while also leaning into the contact. "I apologize my dear, I just encountered someone while there." I turn to face him, wraping my upper set of arms around his neck, my lower hand resting gently on his cheast.

"I'm still mad at you." I tease, burying my face into his neck."Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asks, while placing his hands back on my waist, swaying to the music with me. "Just keep holding me like this for a while and you might be forgiven." I tease.

"Will do." He chuckles, kissing my forehead. We stay there for a while swaying, the only sound being the song playing on the radio. As the song closes out I look down into his red crimson eyes.

The song finishes, there being complete silence aside from the sound of our breathing. He slowly moves his hands down from my waist to my ass, gently massaging it. I grip on the collar of Alastors shirt getting a little startled when he starts to slide his hand between my legs but quickly relax. Instead burying my face into Alastors neck, breathing heavily and tightening my grip on his collar.

"Here or the bedroom darling?"

"Bedroom." I pant, leaning further into his hand, trying to get the friction my growing erection needs. In the blink of an eye I'm resting in bed on my back, completely nake, besides from the thigh high socks I wear in place of my boots, legs going over the edge.

Alastor stands over me, looking me over for a few seconds before unbuckling his pants. He digs in the nightstand drawer before pulling out the lube I keep in there and putting some on his fingers.

He bends over, leaning over me, supporting his weight on one arm while he slowly slides his fingers into my tight hole, making me let out a long whine. "Al-..please.." I beg trying to grab his hand so his fingers will go in deeper.

"Patience my love, you'll get the pleasure you seek." He grows, leading in so hes breathing against my neck. "Let me take care of you." He whispers into my ear, sending a shiver down my spine.

He bites into my neck, enough to draw blood as he pushes his fingers deeper inside me while rubbing my clit. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as I let out a moan while trying to relax myself.


"Thats it my dear, let me hear your voice as I bring you the pleasure you so despreatly seek." I growl as I suck on the bite mark, trying to taste more of his bittersweet blood. Eventually I grow impatient my own erections needs needing to be satisfied.

I slide my erection in just enough so that the tip is barely inserted, causing Angel to let out a whimper, begging for more. "Alastor please..you know I don't like when you tease me like this." He begs, his breathing heavy.

Without a word I suddenly thrust as deep inside of him as I can, causing him to yelp. I don't give him much time to recover before pulling out and thrusting into him again.

Before long I'm going at a rapid pace, Angels legs wraping around my waist pulling him closer to him, his upper set of arms wraped around my neck while his lower hands grip at the sheets.

I whisper sweet nothings into his ear as he continues releasing his cries of pleasure. "A-Al please! Breed me baby!" He yells while arching his back. I feel my climax coming slowing down a little but still going at a steady pace before Angel pulls me into a searing passionate, drowning out his moans as I thrust into him one more time, releasing inside of him.

I break the kiss, both of us panting, waiting for a few seconds before pulling out. I lay down next to him, Angel getting up and resting his head on my cheast. "I fucking love ya.." He whispers, pressing a kiss to my now sweaty neck.

"I love you too." I reply, the both of us laying there, still trying to catch our breaths. Then I remember what he said about breeding him. Is it even possible? "Angel darling..Is it actually possible for you to carry..you know?" I laugh nervously.

He gets up suddenly, looking nervous. "I mean..I don't know." He laughs, clearly nervous. He takes a deep breath before speaking again. "Val always made me take the mornin' after pill so even if it was possible it never happened, not like I really wanted it to, not with clients atleast."

"Do you want to have kids?" I ask, hanging onto hope that it isn't the answer I dont want to hear. "Yes.." He admits, taking in a sharp breath. "Please take your belongings and leave."

Angel dust

"W-..what?" No this can't be happening, please no. Without a word he snaps his fingers and I'm fully dressed. "Your bags are out front, take your pig and go." He says sternly. "Al.." I reach out a hand, anything to try and stop this. "Please go, I don't want to remove you by force." He sobs, putting a hand over his mouth.

Tears streaming down my cheeks I get up, closing the bedroom door behind me, going downstairs and leaving the house. A suitcase and fat nuggets waiting for me.

Fat nuggets tilts his head, confused as to whats going on. Opening the bag and digging around for a while I pull out his leash and attach it to his collar, grab the suitcase and get up. I pull out my phone, clicking on Cherri's contact and waiting a few seconds, listening to the ringing before she picks up.

"Hey Angie, haven't hear from you in a while, thought you died. You know you really have to quit ghosting me." She laughs, not noticing that I'm crying. "Hey Cherri, do you mind if I stay with you for a while?" I sniff, really hoping this isn't too much to ask of her. "Are you crying?" She yells, making me jump.

"Yea I'll explain later, can you just pick me up..please?" I cry, I hate having to ask for favors even if I know shes never bothered. "Sure I'll be there in 20 minutes ok?"

"Thanks." I hang up the call and put my phone back in my pocket.

I sit on the stairs, holding my head in my hands facing down and crying. I can't believe I was so stupid to think I could actually find love in hell. I should have said no instead of listening to my stupid head, thats what landed me with Val.

"I tried to warn you Angel." I instantly recognize the voice before blacking out.


Ok now I understand most of you guys will be upset and I'm SORRY ok. Next chapter is far worse though so just a heads up. Next chapter is definitely going to be a longer one so it will be out a little more later than usual I'm sorry. Also summer school man it's got me SO busy even more because I didn't go monday but yea. Love ya <3 (Also I'm SORRY)

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