18. Not alive, not dead

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There will be some gore in this chapter. Not too bad considering what next chapter I'd going to be but it's worth noting people so read if you want.


I'm awoken to the sound of glass shattering followed by shouting outside. Barely opening my eyes I reluctantly get up and see a brick and broken glass on the floor. Still not wearing any pants I snap my fingers, my slacks appearing. Looking outside I see Angels friend Cherri Bomb outside yelling. As if I couldn't be having a bad enough night to begin with.

"Hey strawberry bitch! Where the fuck is Angie?!?" She yells grabbing a rock and throwing it towards me, hitting me in the head. "Angel should be out front is he not?' I yell, I'm not even sure why I'm putting up with this. Maybe I'm too upset to deal with this given what happened probably mere minutes ago.

"If he was I wouldn't be asking you would I?! I've already checked around the whole perimeter of your strawberry looking house the only thing out front is Fat Nuggets and his bag!" She yells throwing another rock at me, hitting me yet again.

Hearing that really woke me up, without a word I head out of the room, snapping my fingers so the rest of my suit appears. I storm outside, slamming the door behind me, only to be met with the pig and suitcase still there. I check my watch, 2:00 am. Its only been 30 minutes how could he have possibly .gone missing?!? Then I remember.


That blasted moth has to have been behind this, theres no other explination.

Cherri comes up next to me. "Take the pig inside, feed it and meet me at the hotel." I yell before teleporting to the hotel. Slamming the door open I yell out, trying to get anybodys attention. How in bloody hell could I let this happen?!

A door slams open at the end of the hall, followed by two sets of feet running in my direction. Vaggie and Charlie come running out, Vaggie with her spear in hand and Charlie looking as tired as ever. "What the fuck are you doing screaming like a mad man at 2:00 in the morning?!? Its too early for us to deal with whatever bullshit you have going on! Me and Charlie have a hotel to run!" Vaggie yells, clearly annoyed.

"Goodmorning to you too Vagatha I can see you're in a good mood." I laugh. "What is it now Al, I've already told you no one in this hotel is going to get souls for you." Charlie yawns, bags under her eyes.

"Someone took Angel." I state blankly, trying to hide my growing panic. "What!?" Vaggie yells pulling out some of her hair. "What do you mean someone took him I thought he was with you!" Charlie yells, clearly more awake now. "We had a bit of a..disagreement. I kicked him out." I mumble, done trying to hide my panic and just wanting to get Angel back before any harm comes to him.

"Alastor! Who knows what could have happened to him! I'm going to go wake the others and have them get ready for a search." Charlie and Vaggie turn and walk back down the hallway, slamming their bedroom door shut. "You may come out now Husker." Turning back to watch Husk come out from under the bar.

"I give you dating advice and you lose Angel, what the fuck happened?!?" He yells. "Valentino." Is all I say, no more explination is needed for Husk to understand. "I thought you killed the fucker?"

"Unfortunely it seems I didn't do enough and he survived." I hate having to admit that I failed to kill him, it makes me seem weak for not being able to kill an overlord that is lesser than me. "Well you better fix this before Angel gets hurt or worse, walking aroung with guilt like that isn't easy." I look at him umamused.

"First its dating advice now its afterlife advice, Husker what can't you do." I laugh, there aren't many I would say are friends but Husk is one of them. "Ok we're ready, where do you want to start?" Charlie walking up to us, Vaggie and Niffty behind her. "About that, you don't happen to know if your father would have an information on Valentino would you? I laugh nervously.

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