4. Life

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This chapter will have mentions of abuse

Year 1933


All I can hear is the sound of leves crunching beneath my feet as I run through the woods. My lovers father yelling my name from behind me filled with nothing but absolute rage.

After my mother passed away she left me a great sum of money of which I used to buy my lover Anthony a ring. She always told me to ask one's parents for your lovers hand in marriage. I know she loved my beloved Anthony and would have loved for us to marry even if it wasn't legal.

But unfortunately asking was clearly a mistake because next thing I know I'm running for my life through the woods. I can hear my darling Anthony in the far distance. Me having sent Anthony to the other room to speak with his father privately he most likely had no idea why his father was chasing me with a gun held tight in his hand and then.

A gun shot rings out and I'm hit with a sharp pain in my chest as I fall to the ground. I lay there for a few seconds before I see Anthony's father, Henroin, standing over me. A look of disgust on his face as he walks away shortly after I hear leves crunching as Anthony comes into sight. He gets down on his knees and rests my head in his lap. "It's ok Albert I'm going to get help. " he cries.

But I know help won't come. He looks down at me. Tears running down his cheeks. I bring a hand up to cup his cheek as my vision starts blurring. "No! Albert stay with me! PLEASE! " He cries as I'm consumed by darkness.

Present time

Angel dust

I hear whimpering next to me. I rub my eyes and realize it's Alastor. "Al are you? " I shake him to try and wake him up.

He suddenly shot up in bed screaming, tears running down his cheeks. "Ala- ah! " next thing I know I'm pulled into a tight embrace, Al crying into my chest fluff. "Alastor are you ok? " I've never seen him this vulnerable before.

"I'm sorry if I woke you Angel,please go back to sleep." he cries. "It's ok Smiles, ya wanna talk about it?" I ask while running my fingers through his hair, my other set of arms wrapped around him tightly. I'm not very good at comforting people but for Alastor I'll try.

"During my life I had a lover, unfortunately my life was cut short.. " I just listened. It hurt, hearing that he had loved someone before and that he'll probably never love me but right now was about him and his life. Not me. "And what happened to them? " I asked. "As far as I know if he is in hell he never came looking for me, I can only assume he made it to heaven." I stare at him blankly, I don't know how to respond. "I wouldn't be surprised if he did enter heaven, he truly was my Angel. " he laughed

"What was he like? " I don't know why but I felt I needed to know more about his lover, like it would help me feel better about the fact that he would never love me.

"He was a kind soul truly, my mother absolutely adored him from the start they would sing while we would cook together or garden." He said giving a small genuine smile. "And what about your Pa? " I was met by silence. "He was rather abusive to me and my mother, when she got the chance she packed a few belonging of ours and moved us to New Orleans. " he explained as tears started to run down his cheeks again.

I sat there for a bit before I finally spoke up "I get that, my Pa was also abusive, my mother died while giving birth to me so he hated me. " I laughed in an effort not to cry.


I stare at Angel in disbelief, now knowing what I did about his father infuriated me. That he was abusive to him for something that wasn't his fault. I pull him into a tight embrace as he starts sobbing.

"I'm sorry for saying all that, I was supposed to be helping you, not talking about my stupid problems.". I cup both his cheeks in my hands. " You should never feel sorry, you know I'm always going to be here for you. " I stare into his pink mismatched eyes

"Thanks Al, how about we go back to sleep I'm exhausted. " he laughs. "I am rather exhausted myself" I say as I lay down and Angel rests his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him, holding him close. We lay there in silence for a bit, I'm listening to his breathing. I want to savor this moment, it's perfect. Suddenly I remember about wanting to confess and figure what better time than this. "Hey Angel? "

"Hm?" Hearing him, so peaceful makes me happy, no radio show, Valentino, no interruptions, just us. "Al?" I snap back into reality and for some reason I chicken out of confessing. "Goodnight." I whisper "Goodnight Al."


Heyy finally updated this haha this week has been something else with appointments and we just started state testing on Monday (algebra can kiss my ass) we won't be done until this Thursday and after that I have 5 days off because of unused snow days so I'll probably be able to release an extra chapter or write some to be released later on. Unfortunately because I didn't exactly get a passing grade I have to go to summer school so that might get in the way of this but I'll update you all when I figure that out. Other than that there should be no interruptions until school starts again. Thanks for being patient with me this past week with the delay and all love ya ꉂ(ˊᗜˋ*)♡

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