8. As the sun went down

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I'm writing this shit on my computer so there's probably gonna be a shit ton of spelling mistakes so I'm kinda sorry but not really typing this shit on my phone hurt my fingers so bad

Angel dust

I feel like I'm in a dream. I mean had you told me a few months ago I'd be walking hand in hand with the radio demon, on our way to celebrate my freedom. I wouldn't have believed it. Here we thought. My thoughts are interrupted when Alastor suddenly breaks the awkward silence. "What would you say if I told you I had something else in mind that wasn't Mimzy's."

What is this fucker up to? "As long as you can promise it's more fun then I'd say let's do it." I laughed. " I can promise you might just enjoy this more. " he says as he takes us in the direction of his house. This could either end really well or really bad. Either way I'm scared shitless.


I feel relieved that I was able to change plans, now all that's left is to make sure I can actually muster up the courage to confess. This time I really have to otherwise this would have all been in vein. The last thing I want is to ruin Angels celebration by not making this worth his time. I'm already taking a huge risk assuming he likes me in the first place.

"Hey Al?" Angel whispers "Hm?" "What do you have planned anyway?" He asks nervously. "That's for me to know and you to find out Angel." "You're not going to eat me right?" He thinks I'm going to eat him? "No my dear I'm not going to eat you. " I say as my house comes into view

"Ok you had me a little scared there." He laughs nervously. "Yes I could see why, don't worry we'll be having a meal I'm sure you'll enjoy." I say as I start unlocking the door. "Is it an Italian dish?" He asks while giving me his puppy eyes.

"You'll see." I tease as I lead him towards the living room. Before I left to get ready at the hotel I set up candles for the portal to the human realm, it's been a while since I've been back, I only went back to get the few things I had left of my mother and anything that Anthony had left in my house. Only for me to put it all in a room and never step foot in there again.

"What is all this?" He asks while stepping in the middle of the candles. "This is our ticket to the human realm." I say as I grab the book with the spell to get us there. "Wait we can go back!?!" He yells "Yes although I've only done it once." I say as I stand next to him. "This isn't going to hurt right? " "No it shouldn't hurt."

He hugs me tightly and I put an arm around him, holding the book in my other hand and start reading the spell. The candles light up as the portal opens up beneath us, I stare up as my living room gets smaller and the portal closes.

There's a bright light and then we're surrounded by sand. At least this time I managed to teleport to the correct place. I look around and don't see Angel, looking down I realize he's on the ground.

Angel dust

I'm on my hands and knees next to Alastor I realize we stopped falling, and then I feel something familiar. It that..sand? "Alastor what are we doing on a beach?"
"Well first you might want to get up" he laughs as he holds his hand out to help me out. "You're really making me doubt that you aren't going to eat me." I laugh as he helps me up.

"Turn around and I promise you'll realize I'm not going to. " he laughs. What is he planning? I think to myself as I turn around to see what in the nine circles of hell he is planning. I turn and see something truly beautiful, lit candles making a trail up to a table and two chairs, with a beautiful flower centerpiece and radio. "Al this is beautiful, did you really take the time to set this up just for me?"

"You spent 75 years years with that disgraceful moth correct? Setting this up comes nowhere near to the celebration you actually deserve." I stare down at him wide eyed "Al are ya kiddin me!?! Nobody in my afterlife has ever done something like this for me thank you!" I yell as I bend down to plant a kiss on his cheek.

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