12. Nothing but bones

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Heyyy so the last names that are gonna be in this chapter aren't the best, litterly just a quick google search of basic names so sorry if this isn't the best or smth.


"Why should I help you find him?" Rosie questions, taking a sip from her tea. "Rosie I'm asking because Angel could be in danger at any given moment and I need all the help I can get in finding that replusive moth. Dead or alive." It almost sounds like I'm begging and I hate it, I sound weak, desperate. To a certin extent I am right now, I want to ensure Angels safety, even if it means almost begging my mentor for help.

"The all mighty radio demon begging me for help, why I can't believe it." She laughs, almost spilling her tea. "Rosaline this is the man I love and i'd pefer if you took this seriously."

"Listen Alastor I doubt the moth is alive, its a blessed knife, to the heart. It's close to impossible to survive that. Are you even hearing yourself right now?" She says sternly.

"The studios are still running, however last I heard the workers there are still under their contracts with Valentino. That includes Angel Dust. Which means he has to be alive and at any given moment could take back what is by contact rightfully his." Althought I don't like to admit it, Angel is rightfully Valentinos. With the only way to free him is to kill the filthy moth, knowing he won't give Angel up willingly and having no idea where he keeps his contracts it's the only way.

"Fine I'll help but only if you go to the human realm and get something of mine first." She smirks. In all honesty I would've gotten it for her anytime if she had just asked, but this is my only opportunity. "I suppose I could do that." I reply, trying to hide my slight excitment.

"So it's a deal then?" she reaches out her hand. Taking it I give her a firm handshake. "Deal. Now what is it that you need?"

"A recipe book left in my abandoned house, I would get it myself but I'm far too busy with my resterant."

Sounds quick enough, I should be home way before Angel. "Ok!" I teleport to my house without another word.

Calling my shadows I have them set up every thing I need while I write a note just incase Angel gets here before me. Next thing I know candles surround me as I summon the book and start chanting the spell needed. Within the blink of an eye I'm outside Rosies old abandoned house.

Walking up to the door that is barely hanging onto its hinges I open it taking careful steps so the floor doesn't collapse beneath me. I can only hope this book isn't in too bad condition. Stepping into the kitchen overgrown vines on the wall, damp floorboards, old rotten furniture skattered all over the floor.

The only thing that isn't in bad shape is a book on one of the counters. Of course, Rosie is smart enough to put a spell to peserve it. Grabbing it I head out, intending to head right back to hell when I get a thought.

My body.

Turning around, going into the dense woods behind Rosies house until I see a large grass opening, a giant tree in the middle. Walking towards the tree I see two tombstones.

Anthony Russo 1911 - 1947

Albert Blanc 1911 - 1933

Tears fall from the corners of my eyes, all this time I thought my body was left to rot where I had been killed all those years ago. Maybe become a meal for the wolves. Instead I got buried with the love of my life joining me years later. I summon some white roses to land on top of Anthonys grave.

White roses were his favorite just like Angel. My heart aches. I want to see him again, tell him I've waited for him all this time. However he was a saint where I was not. I was given my chance and while I have no regrets I would give it all up just to hold him in my arms again.

Snapping my fingers I summon the book and read the spell needed to go back. Instead of arriving in my room though I appear in a different room, a room I haven't been in since I first arrived in hell.

Picture of Anthony and my mother surround me, along with some of their clothes among other belonging. On a table in the middle of the room sits A picture of Anthony and a small black box. Hesitently I pick it up, opening it I lay my eyes on a ring, a large hot pink, engraved inside the gold band "Albert and Anthony Blanc."

I stare it in for a breif second before looking over at my ring finger, a similar ring except the dimond is a deep red. Closing the box I place it back on the table and promptly step out of the room, locking the door behind me and head towards mine and Angels room. Cracking the door open, poking my head in the room I spot him, peacefully sleeping.

I close the door and place a hand over my mouth to muffle my sobs.


Heyy I know I said I was going to be gone but I kinda broke I miss you all too much. Summer school also doesn't have me too busy they really don't give us homework, not yet at least so I'll just update when I can. Sorry Angel wasn't really in this chapter he'll be in the next one I promise. He won't be missing for too long haha. Anyways um new chapter in 2 weeks-? Really depends I don't want to overwork myself so yea. Love ya.

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