Chapter 1 "A totally normal day from SNT + mysterious entity"

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Author note: I have an old/bad Pokémon mystery dungeon fanfic, I never released it before because the plot is a mess. It had zombies in it and a transgender sylveon named Violet as a love interest. She had one Violet eye and a split personality named Indigo, who was basically a copy of the eevee named lonEliness in a well known creepypasta.

The main character was Rosie Petals, (I know a cool name) who was a human that was sent to another world by a disguised Giratina. She became a floragato and lesbian romance things happened.

It's pretty gory and also funny, and maybe a bit edgy. Do you want me to release it? 🤔 10 comments or more, and I will release it.

Word count (2400)
"You're probably wondering why you're have." said the somehow alive phantom ruby with three haunting echoing voices. One was a smooth mature masculine voice, the other one sounded more like a teenage girl which didn't sound very... sane. The last one was barely hearable and it sounded like a innocent young child that singed the words the ruby spoke. This creeped out Infinite who tried to let go of the ruby but it seemed to be stuck to his dark grey gloves.

"Yes I'm wondering why I am have but more interested in is what the living shadow is you!" Infinite said to the ruby that is stuck in his gloves. In response the ruby got off Infinite which calmed down the jackal a little. A large amount of energy bursted from the ruby and revealed the SNT from the nightmare that she had in forces. Though there were changes from the nightmare it came from, like the colours of the were inverted. The lens was still a red though the eye was simply wasn't there and, masked ears patterns were more like the phantom ruby swirls. The fur wasn't a light blue instead it was a black colour and the green fur was the colour as the ruby. This was the form the ruby itself made and the creepiest part was a lack of a mouth. "What the crew killer is you!"

"Calm down it doesn't matter what I am." The phantom ruby said or what ever this entity is. "I do have a name and I will give it to you. Call me Phantasm." the now dubbed entity called Phantasm moved like a puppet on a string. The lens seemed to  glow a dark magenta before turning the environment around them from a green forest into a mystic jungle. The dead bodies of Infinite's squid littered the ground, all staring at him with shame or fury. Infinite breaths quicken and heart beats faster, adverting his gaze away from his fake judging squid members.

"Phantasm, what a creative name, for whatever you are." Infinite complimented the name while trying to act more confident in this situation. Phantasm saw right through Infinite easily even though she doesn't have eyes to speak of.  "You were going ask me where I am." Infinite seeming to try to forget his small freak out from earlier.

"You are in the dimension were the one you call child. lives." Phantasm said which confused Infinite on this new information. "She contains half of my power and I can't get it back do to my lack of physical form. Though I can have a physical form right now because of you."

"You're telling me that the child was from a different dimension and has half of your power?" Infinite
said, confused though he went along with it. He felt a little better from his failure of defeating the blue buffoon and the child. "Also you talking about how I am possibly the reason for you to have a physical form." Infinite did his little habit of pushing his metal mask up on his face.

"Well you see, your constant use of my powers allows me to connect to your soul. Basically meaning that are souls are connected meaning that I can control you." Phantasm said simply this although made Infinite feel threatened but that didn't last long. "Sadly for me I need consent for me to use  your body because I can't take it by force thanks to your strong will." Phantasm turned her head to the side in a impossible which should of broken her neck. 'I don't need consent if your a corpse, my temporary companion.' She grinned in thought.

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