Chapter 7 "Amy's adventure in a post SNT forces world."

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Omg my chapters are getting longer! 😱 Is that a good thing or a bad thing? You decide!

Word count (4775)
"Well I'm Gadget and this is my brother Gismo but most people refer to him as Rookie. Even though he isn't a rookie anymore." Gadget said to the rough looking Amy with a toothy smiley. 'Rookie? What a weird nickname.' Amy thought looking at the red fox called Rookie for some reason. Rookie just smiled at her nervously before his slightly older brother began to speak again. "You look... ragged. What happened in your world?" He asked to her with curiosity and a bit concern. Amy sighed not wanting to explain what happened but these fox brothers were kind to her so she decided to do it.

"Well Sonic in my world was a jerk and kidnapped me and SNT. He wanted to marry her but the wedding he was setting up was destroyed by someone, most likely Eggman. Then this burnt looking jackal with spiral gems cover it's body turned into goo and took over SNT's body. Then the thing that took over SNT had a speech that it wanted to become a god or something and threw me into a portal. With Rouge and Vanilla also being threw into the portal as well." Amy said the version of had happened in the plot. Rookie and Gadget had a hard time processing this information but their eyes widened at the "jackal" and the "spiral gems".

"A burnt looking jackal with with spiral gems cover it's body? It's sounds kinda similar to Infinite but it's definitely not him, but their is a small possibility that it is him." Rookie said in thought as he put a gloved hand on his furred chin. He turned to his brother, who also looked deep in thought with his eyes patiently waiting for him to continue. Amy on the other hand was trying not to laugh at the name of Infinite. Infinite sounded like a name that was made by the most insecure person in existence. "This burnt jackal could be your universe's Infinite or it's ours that disappeared after the fight he had with Sonic and SNT."

"Wait! This is the world that SNT went to after she went through the portal?!" Amy said with wide green eyes that this recognised but quickly turned to doubt. "Oh yeah... this a different world so that's properly your SNT not mine." She said trying not sound like a idiot in her own opinion. This got her to think more about SNT, her didn't have time to process the dramatic sight of SNT's body being absorbed into that creature.

Maybe, if she controlled her rage that SNT, she wouldn't be forcefully fused with that thing. She recently learned that she loved SNT, not I'm your friend way but a romantic way, She always had feelings for her but her obsession with Sonic stopped her from realising this. When Sonic turned out to be an asshole made her learn this, but then SNT told her about her aura. She didn't know how to feel so she turned to anger and now She's gone. SNT's gone because of Amy's stupidity, it was all her fault.

"You're actually right about your universe's SNT actually came here. She helped to save this world from the horrible Egg and the ominous illusionist." Gadget said to her with a expression of honour and Rookie blushed that the mention of her. Amy repressed a laugh from the nickname that Gadget came up with for Eggman. Maybe he didn't but it was still a funny nickname. It definitely got her out of her not pleasant thoughts.

(After some time has passed)

Amy followed Gadget and Rookie outside of house after getting clean and dressed. (If you're wondering,   Gadget and Rookie for her. The clothes she was wearing now was similar to her old ones apart from having a necklace with a blue heart gem on it.) Amy eyes were in awe that the buildings that were a combination of advance technology and nature. Small ruined buildings that were dotted around the place, felt out of place to the nature filled skyscrapers. Though the city was definitely partially destroyed it looked like a utopia for mobians, animals, and even robots!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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