Chapter 5 "A day with SNT and her very close best friend + shenanigans"

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'I'm pissing on the mooon!!!!' telepathy 📞

Word count (3157)
SNT woke up in a small, damp, room that was surprisingly warm.. Something was brushing against her legs. It felt like a unkept plushy, ruff, matted, but squishy. She looked down to see something fluro pink in colour on her lap. It looked covered in dry dirt and dead green entangled in the knotted pink fur. She looked to right to see a familiar partially ripped dress, which was a nice colour of red. It was Amy Rose! SNT hugged her tight before realisation kick in. Where was she, why is Amy here, and how did she get here? She remembers first, falling in a pit and hitting the ground. 'Why didn't I use my tails? Did I forget that I had them?' She thought in confusion and an strong boiling rage towards herself for being stupid, dumb, idiot.

Suddenly, the memories of her terrible nightmare came back to her like a wave. An image of a reddish, magenta echidna staring right in her soul. Horrifying screams, desperate pleads, and sorrowful sobbing filled her ears filled her ears again. She quickly got overwhelmed and started claw with her finger nails. Scratching her ears frantically, causing a sudden sharping pain to interrupt her scratching. She swiftly checked her hands, wondering were the pain come from. Her eyes widened, seeing that her hands were sharpened clawed and now covered in blood.

"Huh!?" She said in pure confusion, was she still in her dream? Maybe? Her claws quickly went back to her usual hands but still left the fresh blood on her hands. She slowly and carefully, touched her ears. She felt pain and wet blood dripping down her face. 'What the fucking hell is going on with me.' she thought 'Am I becoming monster.'

She felt Amy Rose move a little, it seems like she is waking up. Amy got off of her and looked half asleep, not fully conscious yet. Her limbs were clearly sluggish by her struggling to stand up properly. She looks at SNT, still dazed, not noticing SNT's bleeding ears. "Hay, SNT you're awake..." Amy sluggishly said with a small, soft. smile.

"Amy! Tell me what happened when I was a asleep!" SNT asked frantically, shaking Amy backwards and forwards. Amy let out a few frantic groans before becoming fully awake. Now, properly aware of her surroundings, Amy stared wide-eyed. She pointed at SNT's torn ears, that were at this present moment stopped bleeding. SNT didn't understand her much damage her did to herself, and just sat there puzzled by Amy's fear. "Why are you looking at me like that?" SNT questioned.

"What h-h-happened t-to your e-ea-ears..?" Amy stuttered at the long thin gashes that made SNT's ears look like feathers that you find on the ground. Amy tried to look away from the sight but her eyes betrayed her. 'What happened to cause this to her ears?' She thought 'she didn't have them when she fell in the pit so how did she get them?'

"I only just scratched them a bit too much. How bad can it be?" She said, downplaying Amy's reaction. SNT carefully touched her ears again, there was still some pain when she touched. She fingered carefully through the gashes, only now realising how much damage she did to her ears. "Oh"

"Anyways, want to know how you got here." Amy said, changing the topic to what SNT wanted to know earlier. SNT nodded with interest, while also beginning to stand up. "Sonic made the hole you fell into. After you been knocked out by the fall, Sonic basically kidnapped you for marriage."

"Wait, Sonic kidnapped me!" SNT said as her eyes went wind and her pupils shrieked. She put one hand to her mouth. 'I know Sonic's obsessed with me because of my special aura. Though this is on another level of obsession, was my special aura getting stronger.' She thought, thinking it was her fault. "Why did Sonic kidnap you?" SNT questioned.

"Well because I found one of his recorders that is in all of are houses we live in." Amy said with venom, informing this information to SNT. Who was shocked again by how far Sonic's obsession has gone for her. Was this all her fault? Maybe, maybe not. SNT was not sure now but wanted to know more.

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