Chapter 2 "A faking day for SNT + crossdressing Shadow"

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Author note: Your properly wondering why Shadow is crossdressing, the simple answer is that I was dare to by a friend. 😅

Word count (2297)
-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~ SNT was running sporadically back to the Cream's house after Shadow being pretty unhappy with being rejected. Shadow's reaction made it her feel like it was her fault even though it was clearly wasn't. She wasn't looking right in front of her and hits something sharp, spiky, and ocean blue in colour. This made her fall onto the ground hard onto her soft butt. The person she went into turned around and it was the one and the only Sonic the hedgehog. His confused green emerald eyes looked in SNT's soft pink ones which were surprised. Sonic let out an arm in front of SNT to help her up and she accepted it. She pulled herself up off the ground and dusted any dirt she had on her.

"Where were you going SNT in this deep the forest for?" Sonic asked questionably to SNT who looked away in embarrassment, not wanting to tell Sonic that was trying to get away from Shadow. "Come on tall me, SNT" he said impatiently from SNT to answer. It took a few minutes and boring as hell for Sonic but SNT finally began to speak.

"I was just taking a stroll and I just got sidetracked..." SNT lied with a nervous smile. Sonic looked like he wasn't very suspicious by SNT's answer. In fact he had a knowing smirk on his lips and his emerald green eyes held amusement in them. This confused SNT by Sonic's expression.

"Were you looking for me, SNT? I knew you loved me more than the faker." Sonic said cockily in his fancy suit, believing that he knew SNT's feelings about him. He flicked his long black nose in a playful manner. SNT was totally shocked by what Sonic said and not wanting to hurt Sonic's feelings decided to lie to him.

"Yeah, Sonic I did go to look for because I l—love you so much hahaha." SNT let out a nervous giggle at the end of her very "real" love affection. Sonic went on one knee and pulled out a small box out of his pocket. SNT's pink eyes widened not believing that this is happening once again. 'Sonic is also proposing to me as well!' SNT thought in utter disbelief.

"SNT my beloved, will you marry this fine hedgehog." Sonic said as he opened the lid to reveal a ring. The ring was rosemary gold with 14 small light blue diamonds that covered the surface of the ring. SNT looked at Sonic anxiously and lips began to twitch trying to form a sentence. Her lips felt dry as the driest of breads so, she slowly licked her lips before finally beginning to speak.

"Yes!" SNT said faking her true emotions with a wide forced smile. Sonic didn't even noticed that SNT was faking so he was filled with joy of the situation. Sonic got up off the ground and went close to SNT face. SNT instinctively took a step back but Sonic grabbed her and kissed her on the lips. SNT didn't feel comfortable by the physical intimately but decided to keep her mouth shut. Sonic being a very impatient hedgehog he is broke the kiss quickly.

"I guess it's time to tell everyone we are getting married now because here is no time to wait!" Sonic quickly grabbed her bridal style without her say in it and made her let out an surprised yelp. Sonic dashed at super speeds making SNT disorientated by the rapid acceleration.


"Why are you recording this Phantasm?" Infinite said to his frien—acquaintance who was recording this scene with a camera that she stole from an Dr Eggman robot. Phantasm turned to face him with her usual non-existing face, while holding a black and red camera. She caressed the camera in her arms and began to "speak".

"Simply to make sure that Shadow stays on Eggman's side. If Shadow found out that SNT accepted Sonic proposal, it will strengthen his hate for Sonic and especially SNT." Phantasm explained to Infinite who was just looking at her with a unreadable expression. "Didn't you tell me earlier that; you really think that SNT will marry someone just because she was pressured to do? I guess you were proven wrong. " Phantasm said mimicking Infinite voice to tease Infinite about his unnecessary questioning.

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