Chapter 4 "A nightmare of a day for SNT + edgy dealer"

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'I'm pissing on the mooon!!!!' Nightmare shadowy figure. 👁️

Word count (2310)
-~-~-~-~-~-~--~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-SNT opened up her eyes to see nothing but pitched black corridor that stretched for miles her eyes could see. She got off the dark floor, getting her head up seeing were the ceiling was just an endless void. SNT trampled from feeling small and not knowing where she is. She muttered "hello..." she said again but louder "hello! anyone there! anyone?" No one responded not even a her expected echo could be heard. She shivered in fear as well in coldness of this unusual scary place.

She couldn't see in this darkness 'it would be useful to have something to see like a torch of something'. A warm pink flam suddenly appeared in her hands, she panicked but soon realised that it didn't burn her. The pink flam grew brighter blinding her eyes, causing her to close her eyes. When she opened her eyes again to reveal a mediaeval torch. 'I thinking of a modern one, not a mediaeval one' she thought with deadpan, decided not to think deeply on this magical fire.

She began to walk, hearing the sound of her boots hitting ground with a metal clank. The long drawn out black corridor seemed to take a right turn. She ran onto to wall, touching it with her one of her gloved hands, it felt cold to the touch. She turned her head around the corner not knowing what to expect in this odd place.

She saw a creature that looked vaguely like a hedgehog, she could tell from the ears and snout. It's fur was black with red stripes, reminding SNT of a certain love obsessed edgy hedgehog. Its "quills" were more like long thin tentacles and swayed through the air. SNT took a deep breath before bravery walking closer to the creature. SNT heard the creature sniff for a few seconds before it turned to face her. SNT took a few steps back seeing the creature's deformed face. The creature's eyes lacked pupils, only tons of veins took its place. The creature's mouth had large thick fangs that were not symmetrical and, a greenish yellow substance was leaking out of its gums.

"Why díd... -ou reject mE!" Scratched from the monstrous Shadow lookalike with a vicious snarl. It leaped at SNT, who was able to duck the creature's attack. It slammed into a wall with uncomfortable cracking sound, the wall cracked revealing a bright white light. SNT wanted to understand what's going on but in this situation, she didn't have time to think about that. "You have used me and the rest for your disgusting desires. Making everyone your puppets to love you to hide from the fact that you are despicable freak of nature!"

The creature got up on all fours, it's body covered in bleeding blueish purple cuts but the Shadow like creature was unfazed by the injuries. SNT knowing that she is in danger of a another attack from the creature, she began to sprint. The creature chased after her in break neck speeds, its tentacles sporadically trying to stab into SNT. She managed to dodge most of them but one grazed her chin causing her to break her focus.

It made her trip, causing her to fly through the air and slam back first into a wall. Her back surged in incredible pain making let out a painful yelp. The monstrous creature mimicking her sort of friend, ran at her but she rolled out the way. It hit the wall causing an impressive dent as massive cracks began to form around the whole labyrinth. It took a few minutes for her to recuperate before the wall and the floor began to collapse under her. White light blinding her vision, she felt the ground beneath her disappear.

She fell into the seamlessly endless white void for a few long minutes before hitting something hard and smooth. "Ow" she whimpered, feeling her newly pained arms and face from the fall. In pain she dropped the pink torch onto the ground and it faded out of existence, but she didn't even notice. She swiftly got up from the ground and looked around for any more dangers that could be around... this... mmm... world, I guess? She couldn't see anything notable other then the mysterious blackness around her and the somehow floating platform she was on.

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