The Meeting

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I couldn't believe my ears when he said, 'Congratulations Miss Gupta..This job is yours..'

I thanked my Devi Maiyan umpteen of times, finally my prayers are answered and my feelings can not be described in words.. I am so happy as from now on my worries will be lifted..I will not have to rely on the savings papa left for us and I will finally start a fresh..

This job will definitely give me a chance to create a different world for me and I can probably start the process of moving on from past few years trauma..Past few years were nothing but a nightmare for me, the pain I went through physically and mentally was enormous but now I am feeling good..good that finally I have something to keep myself busy..

I was waiting in the reception area and took my phone out to call my mother but stopped seeing a man coming towards me, the man who took my interview..
I stand up seeing him and he gave a huge file in my hand..

'This is your contract paper Miss Gupta.. all the terms and conditions are written here, please go through it very carefully before you sign it because once you sign it you can not back off..' Said the man..

I smiled back and read the whole article, there was nothing unusual regular rules of a job,salary rules, holiday rules and staff.. Only one thing catches my eyes is that I can not leave this job within 6 months if I do,I have to pay a huge compensation which is thrice bigger than my salary of six months,without thinking further I signed the contract and gave it back to him.. I needed this job badly..He smiled back and said, 'Thank you Miss Gupta.. You can join from tomorrow..'

Thanking him back I turned to leave but as soon as I turned he called me back,' Actually Miss Gupta, our boss, I mean the owner of the company wants to meet you..'

I snatched my eyebrows a little and nodded ok, He looked at me with little worry, I also feel worried as he said, ' You know Miss Gupta, he is very short tempered and very strict, so be careful with him.. If you make any mistakes there is a chance he may eat you alive..'

I gulped, what a jerk boss he is.. Mr. Aman Mathur left me in an empty cabin with a huge glass window half of the city is visible from there, I was busy looking outside and waiting for the owner..almost after five minutes I heard the noise of the door knob and shoe step I stand up from my seat and was fixing my skirt but I froze hearing the voice of the owner, he didn't say anything big just one word and I got froze..


I gulped down the lump in my throat and turned at him..Yes it was him,Arnav Singh Raizada..Yes, it was him the man once I loved the most but now I hate the most, the man responsible for most of my miseries..

He smiled at me and said,' Hi Khushi..'

I looked at him with lots of emotion and anger but composed myself immediately as I did not want to show him my weak side.. I had been weak in front of him few times but he didn't look back at me at that time now I can't show my vulnerable side to him..

He asked me to seat taking the chair in front of me, I sat on the chair like a obedient child and looked at him with confusion..

'How are you Khushi??' Arnav asked

'What are you doing here Arnav..' I asked with confusion..

'Well this is my office so I am supposed to be here only..' he said with a smile..

'What do you mean by your office..'

'My office means my office.. I am the owner of this company.. I think you didn't research well,before applying for the job..'

'Yes I didn't.. if I knew this is your company I would never come here..' I said with little irritation..

'Buy you did..So from now on you will be working here with me as my assistant..' he said with a smirk

'No.. I won't, I will be leaving this job right now..' I wanted to shout that badly but stopped as I know I just signed a contract and I am not in the position of breaching it.. I can't afford the money I have to pay..So, I decided to keep my clam for six months and once I am done I will be running from here, so far that his shadow will not able to reach me..

I smiled at him and said..'Yes Mr. Raizada, Mr. Mathur told me everything about the job and I will be joining from tomorrow..'

Arnav's expression changed a little, probably he was not expecting this reply from me, probably he was expecting me to shout at him, to show him some anger but I didn't.. I just wanted to have a professional relationship with him just as much needed..

'Do you have anything else to say or ask Mr. Raizada..oh I am sorry do you want me to call you Sir..' I asked with little mockery..

He sighed..'why are you here Khushi?? What happened to your father's company.. the only heir of Shasi Gupta is here for a job but why??'

'Excuse me in your contacts,it was not written anywhere that I have to share my personal life with you.. So, I don't feel any need to answer you..' I replied with a stern face..

He fisted his hand and I know he does that in anger and disappointment.. I chuckled internally though I am meeting him after 6 years, I can still understand him a little bit..

Arnav was silent and I stand up saying..' If you don't have anything to say..May I please leave..'

He just nodded and I tried to to take my file which was kept on the table..on this process I pushed a photo frame by mistake which was facing Arnav.. saying sorry I took the picture in my hand to place it in its place again...

I kept looking at the picture for few seconds.. what a beautiful picture, Arnav is holding a little cute baby in his arms..

 what a beautiful picture, Arnav is holding a little cute baby in his arms

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I kept the picture on its place.. So, he got married and have a kid..Wow.. didn't he promise me once that I will be the only one who will carry his child.. how could he?? But what else I expect from the man who broke up with me after five years of relationship saying that our vibe is not matching anymore and he thinks we don't have a future together.. How many times I told him not to leave me,forgetting my self respect asked him what should I do, what should I change in myself so that he will stay with me but he didn't pay any heed to me.. I was crying like a maniac just to convince him to stay with me but he stopped seeing me, talking to me, he blocked my number, he cut his all ties with my friends too..

I was miserable without him, I was in a denial state.. My heart was not believing my Arnav can do something like this.. I was thinking he will come back, he will call and say he was joking but my eyes got opened when I caught him having dinner with Sheetal in a posh restaurant just after a week of our break up..

Seeing me with my father he felt little uncomfortable and left from there holding Sheetal's hand.. I was looking at him with teary eyed but he was smiling at Sheetal..That was the day I understood.. we are indeed over..

I took all my belongings and left from there hurriedly as suddenly I was feeling suffocated, suffocated like hell...

To be continued...


It's going to be a short story..I am hoping to end it within 12-15 chapters or shorter..let me know how was it..

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