Blast from Past

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Removing my tears I smiled before pressing the door bell, I don't want to show my sadness to my mother.. She is living only for me and I don't want to hurt her at any cost..

'Khushiii..what happened beta??'.. that's the first question she asked seeing me..

'I got the job Amma..' I said showing a fake enthusiasm..

She smiled a little and said,' Than why are you sad beta?? What happened??'

'I am not sad.. I am happy..' Saying that I started towards my room and she followed..

'If you are happy, why were you crying???'..she asked narrowing her eyes..

'No Amma.. I was not crying it's just something went on my eyes...' I tried to clean my eyes for her satisfaction..

My mother Garima Gupta sighed..'Since when you started lying to your mother beta??'

'I am fine Amma,it's just I haven't worked since long, so feeling little worried..' I tried to cover up my sadness..I don't want her to know about Arnav.. she will be very upset if she gets know about him...My parents were always very fond of him and they were hurt badly when we broke up specially my mother..

'You should have not been worried about working now either..Your dad has left enough for both of us and..' she stopped saying that..

Understanding her hesitation I asked..'And what?!'

'You should settle down now..I was thinking why don't you meet the boy your bua ji was talking about..'

'Amma, we have discussed about it so many times and you know my answer..' I said in a serious tone..

'Till when?? Till when you want to live in your past Khushi?? Your father tried so hard to get you married but you didn't budge at do you want me to die also, leaving you alone..' she said little angrily..

'Amma please.. can we talk about this later..'

She angrily left and I sat on my bed.. This has became our daily routine now a days.. every other day some relatives or friends bring an alliance for a result me and my mother argue over this..why doesn't she understand.. I am not ready for marriage and probably will never be..

There is a proverb that you can not pour from an empty cup and I am an empty cup.. I don't have anything to offer to anyone..Arnav broke my heart,my trust and my dreams very badly..I trusted him so much..he gave me a dream of forever and snatched it from me very brutally..   


Me Khushi Kumari Gupta was was extremely excited and happy today as after 2 weeks of unnecessary arguments and ignorance, Arnav finally got ready to meet me..

Arnav,love of my life,my jaan...I met him five years ago,he was studying in my department of business studies but he was a year senior then me...both of us became friends from the day one and soon realized our love for each other.. I actually realized my love on the first day I met him..some of senior students were ragging me, they asked me to cat walk for them..while I was trying to do that, they were laughing at me and I was silently crying..suddenly my feet strangled with my duppatta and I fall on someone's strong arms and there he was..he was looking at me intensely with his brown eyes and I forgot everything whatever was happening beside me.. I was lost in his eyes..

He puts me down very gently and gave everyone a peace of mind for torturing me like this..he was my hero..Arnav was very studious and everyone used to be afraid of him because of his short temper and no tolerance attitude but he was nice and caring towards me.. I was totally opposite of him, talkative, bubbly fun loving and he never complained about anything but admires me a lot..

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