Different shades of Arnav!!

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As Arnav left his cabin a few hours ago, I felt lost and trapped, with Aman and Shyam watching my every move... Before leaving, he opened my hands and warned me not to go: He would create trouble for me if I left.. I was wondering is he the same person I trusted with my everything, how beautifully he is returning back my love and trust?!?!

When Arnav returned, it fueled my frustration... His casual attitude towards our impending marriage grated on my nerves, and I couldn't hold back my anger, but despite my protests, he remained adamant, insisting everything was controlled... As he dismissed Aman and Shyam, leaving us alone, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions - anger, confusion, and a tinge of curiosity... Arnav's insistence on marrying me left me baffled. I despised him for blackmailing me, yet a part of me wondered why he was so desperate to have me, does he love me? No, he doesn't... I know he thinks he does, but a person who loves another will never do that to them. What did he do to me and is still doing? If he ever loved me, why did he take money from my father? Why he had an affair with sheetal... well now I understand, I am nothing but a toy for Arnav, he played with it and left when he got a better toy, money and Sheetal, after few years he again craved for it and came back to have it, yes that is I am for Arnav a toy..

I wiped a lone tear and looked at him sadly, I have dreamed about this day a lot, when I will get married to the man I love the most, when me and my Arnav will take vows for our life together, promising to support each other through thick and thin, when we will start our forever together as a husband and wife... But this, this was not how I imagined it.. I always thought our wedding would be filled with joy, surrounded by loved ones, not clouded by confusion and manipulation... As I wiped away the tears, a sense of sadness washed over me, realizing that the dream I had cherished for so long was shattered by none other than the man of my dreams..

Arnav came close to me and held my hand.. His eyes were red with anger and sadness. ' Let's go,' he said..

I didn't ask any questions, I didn't feel like to. This man I am following is not the same man I fell in love with; this man is a Devil who doesn't even care a bit about me, who threatened to kill my mother..mother, my mother, Oh no, Amma!! How bad will she feel knowing that I got married without her consent, what will I answer to her..Arnav didn't even think once how tough it will going to be for Amma and me... She doesn't have anyone but me.. More than me, she is the one who dreamt about my wedding, and Arnav is taking away that dream from her.. If I ever forgive Arnav for marrying me like this I will never forgive him for crushing my mother's hope and dream of being in my marriage..

As we stepped outside, Arnav's grip on my hand tightened, and he pulled me to his car... The journey was very silent, I was glancing at Arnav time to time, his jaw clenched tight, his eyes fixed on the road ahead..I wish I could describe how helpless I was feeling!! Lost in my thoughts, I barely noticed when we arrived at our destination—well, this was no other place but my own home..I was standing in front of it like a statue as the whole house was decorated with lights and flowers..

As we stood together by the decorated entrance, Arnav held my hand tightly and warned me, 'Just because I've brought you here and involved our family, doesn't mean things have changed, Khushi.. '

His words echoed in my mind, sending a shiver down my spine.. I knew that nothing had changed between us. Arnav's grip on my hand was a stark reminder of the control he wielded over me, a reminder of the powerlessness I felt in this situation..After breaking my trust over and over again if he thinks I will believe that he will change and behave like a gentleman than he is mistaking, I know very well now who he is and what is his capability..

Soon the  door got opened and my mother was standing there with teary eyes, as soon as I saw her a tear fall from my eyes and I hugged her.. 'Amma, are you ok?'

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