Study buddies - part two

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A/N: This is part two of my Study Buddies One Shot with Tom Riddle... enjoy x


The next day you didn't have potions until fifth period, meaning you had an hours break in between Transfiguration and potions. You were done with Potions homework, having left it till the last minute once again. You were headed to the courtyard once again to meet your friends - it had become a default meeting place at this point.

"Hey L/N." A voice came from beside you and started you out of your meaningless train of thought. "McKinney." You replied, trying not to engage in conversation. "I heard there's a hogsmeade weekend soon" He continued. You tensed, already knowing where this was heading.

"I'm sure there is." You said, trying to seem cold. You didn't want him getting ideas. "Would you want to-" You cut him off quickly.

"No thanks. I'm good." He smirked and you frowned. "Wipe that smirk off your face McKinney, I'm serious."

"Oh, but I don't think you can be Y/N. You see, I think you're just playing hard to get. We're more similar than you think. So, what do you say?" He said, still smirking. He came closer to you and you both stopped walking, him smirking, you glaring. "STOP. Get my pretty name out of your mouth. We are not the same with or without." You said, all while getting more and more annoyed.

"Don't be like that Y/N I know you want me." He said, and you pulled out your wand. "Don't talk about me like you might know how I feel."

"Top of your world but your world isn't real" Came a voice from behind. Tom. He walked toward you two, a glare darkening his face. "Well well well McKinney. I thought I told you to stay away from her." He said. McKinney smirked. "I believe you did, but as you once said, my promises to you mean nothing." That was enough for Tom.


"-my promises to you mean nothing." That shit. I told him to stay away from her, made it clear it was his own funeral. And now, seeing her so uncomfortable, and him so cocky, it was too much. I swung my fist back and hit him, hard in the face. He tried to retaliate and hit my nose, breaking it sharply.

Within seconds, we were on the floor throwing punches. I pummelled his body until I felt smaller hands trying to pull me off him. I let myself be pulled away, feeling blood come from my nose.


It all happened so fast. One second they were stood talking, the next rolling on the floor, hitting each other. You knew Tom started the fight, yet all you could think was: "Tom. Is Tom okay? Help Tom." You quickly ran to them, dodging the flying punches and grabbed Tom's arms, pulling him away from McKinney, who was sporting a black eye.

"Thanks Love." Said McKinney, clearly thinking you had ben trying to help him. You felt Tom try and break out of your grasp but you pushed him behind you and gave him a look that said: "Don't. He's not worth it."

You spat at mcKinney's feet. "I didn't do it for you, I did it for Tom. Stay away from me." You said, giving him a small kick to the ribs, only lightly, but he rolled over as if you had kicked him with all your power.

You quickly dragged Tom away, leading him to an empty classroom a few corridors away. You sat him down on a desk and sat opposite him on another desk, close eough that he was within touching distance. "You want me to fix your nose?" You said, tilting your head slightly to survey the damage. It didn't seem to be any further than the nose.

He sighed heavily. "Please." You leaned forward and peered at the angle of his nose, handing him a tissue to wipe the blood away. "Thanks." He said, wiping it quickly and turning back to you. "No problem. Now, I'm warning you, this might hurt." You drew your wand and tapped his nose. "Episkey!"

"Shit." said Tom, grabbing his nose. His expression quickly changed. "I mean thanks. Again." You laughed and put your wand away. "No problem. Now, do you wanna talk about it?" You asked. "No." He said, giving you an eye roll. "Okay." You said, and the two of you sat in silence for a few seconds. "How about now?"

"Y/N!" You laughed and he half laughed with you. "Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to know what he was talking about. Why did you tell him to stay away from me?" Tom raised an eyebrow. "Would you rather I let him pester you?" You sighed and grabbed his hand, making him glance down at your hands and then at you. "You know what I mean. Come on, you can tell me. Why does he have to stay away?"

"Because you can't be his. Not when every part of me wants you, needs you to be mine. And I understand that there's no way you can be mine, but just know that I am yours, and have been for a long time now Y/N. You're all I want, and sitting here telling you this was either the worst or best decision of my life." He finished, looking into your eyes with a sort of desperation. You gave it a minute to sink in. 

"Y/N? Say something, please." You sat there, still in shock and he got up and moved away. "Merlin, this is almost worse than you saying 'ew'." He sighed, walking back and forth before stopping. You got up and walked towards him. You stopped just infront of him, mere inches in between you two. You took his hands in yours and he forced himself to look at you.

"Who said I can't be yours?" You whispered, hands moving up his robes and wrapping your arms around his neck. Tom tensed, but then relaxed. He leaned his forehead against yours, and your lips brushed against each others. It was barely a kiss, but it was enough. Tom smirked and pulled back, arms around your waist. 

"Okay, this is worse than 'ew'." He said, chuckling softly. You laughed and pulled him back in for another kiss. As his lips met yours, he pulled you closer to him and pressed his lips firmly but softly against yours. "For the record Tom, I've been yours for quite a while now." You said, smiling up at the boy. He looked down at you and smiled back, using the small smile reserved just for you. " Oh, and by the way? It this is best decision of my life Y/N."

You stayed like that for a while before you both remembered that you had potions. You sat down at your stools, listening to Professor Snape talk, but this time, your hands were intertwined under the desk. 

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