It's On Your Nose - Theodore Nott

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Summary: baking with Theodore turns messy... I wish you luck

Warnings: none, just a short fluff tbh





"Pleeeease? Otherwise you can't copy my charms notes."

"y/n, you copy my notes, not the other way around."

"Technicalities. GET UP!" 


"It could have been icy cold water!" 

"Right, so I'm supposed to be thankful that you only decided to spray me with cold water rather than pure ice?" 

"Yes. Get up." 


Theodore finally got out of his bed, giving you a faintly annoyed look. "I'm up, what now?" 

"Come with me!" 

You grabbed his hand and pulled a hoodie over his head, grabbing one for yourself as well. Grabbing his hand again you ran out of the room, dragging him behind you. He reluctantly let you pull him, until you let go of his hand. 

"Hey! Not okay yn." 


He ran to catch up with you, shaking his head and tutting as he reached you. 

"Don't you dare drop my hand again love. There's no-one here but us, but it's good to know I've still got you."

You smiled back athim, a faint blush coating your cheeks, before turning back and running onwards.

You felt yourself get pulled back, and you stopped running. You turned and rolled your eyes at your boyfriend.

"I love you but it's 2am. I'm not running." He said, giving you an 'are you serious' look?

You continued to drag him, no longer running but speed walking. You heard his sigh of resignation as he fell into step, walking behind you.

Eventually the two of you reached the kitchens and entered, the house elves rushing over to you to greet you.

"Miss yn! Mr Nott..." Came a voice from around about your knees. Looking down you noticed Dobby and Kreacher, glaring at each other but giving wide smiles for you. Well, in kreachers case, a less miserable look than usual but still kind.

"May we help you, miss?" Kreacher said, his voice sounding tired.

"Not exactly Kreacher. How many different kitchen areas are there here and are any free?" You asked, smiling at the two elves.

"KITCHEN EIGHT IS FREE!" Both elves said loudly. They both turned and glared at each other.

"I was going to tell her!" "NO I WAS!" They were like two children vying for their parents attention. You laughed and thanked them before dragging Theodore to the kitchen.

You pushed him into a chair at the counter and started grabbing ingredients out of the cupboards. Music started playing, suited to your personal taste.

"okay whaaaat are you doing?" He asked, seeming wary and slightly curious.

"Committing arson. what does it look like? Getting ingredients!" you said, laughing.

"I got that, but what for?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. (very proud that I can do this icl)

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