Masked part 2 - Draco Malfoy

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Summary: armed with a promise from your enemy, will you disobey your parents and meet with him? Or will you stick to your life's teachings? 

A/N: This is not a Mattheo Riddle shot, but I will not stand for any Mattheo slander. All of you, shut your mouths :)

You both watched as Draco disappeared into the crowd, not looking at you again. Your mother sneered at his back and turned back to you. "Y/N, you are forbidden from seeing Draco Malfoy. Do you understand me? You are to dance with Mattheo Riddle now, he has requested your presence. Go to him." She said. Her lips formed a small smile for you.

"I am sorry I did not warn you of the Malfoy's attendance beforehand. You couldn't have known it was him." She continued, gently tapping your cheek and walking away. You heard someone behind you and turned, seeing a certain Mattheo Riddle behind you. He was your brother's best friend, you had known him for years. He held out a hand for you, looking vaguely... well, to be honest, he seemed to be devoid of emotion.

"You look pretty yn." He said, giving you a small smile. You returned it, knowing that you were living little yn's fantasy. When you were twelve, you had had a crush on Mattheo, your brother's best friend. However, after the nights events, Mattheo was the last person on your mind. 

"Thanks, you look good too." You said, wanting to be polite. He extended a hand and you took it, letting him lead you into a dance. You two weren't too close, dancing as friends would had their parents asked them to do so for a photo opportunity. There was no chemistry between the two of you, so you looked to Mattheo. 

"Why are you doing this Mattheo?" You said, questioning him. 

He sighed and half laughed. "Your brother asked me to do this, and while it's fun dancing with you, I'd rather slip out of here and go home." He said, smiling. 

You laughed too, still confused. "Then why are you still here?" You said, confused. 

"I wanted to give you a parting gift." He said. "I see the way you're looking at Draco. Now, I have no problem with him besides the fact that Theo hates him, so I want to help you. He's watching us right now actually. Don't look just yet, or it's suspicious. Here, spin with me, you'll see." 

You followed his directions, letting him spin you around to face Draco. He was stood on the opposite side of the room, watching and glaring at Mattheo. You nearly dropped Mattheo's hands, just to go to him and reassure Draco that you did not want to be doing this. 

"Don't run to him." Mattheo said quietly. 

You glared at him. "And why shouldn't I? Who gives a shit about the rivalry?" You said, enfuriated. 

"Because it's suspicious. And I wouldn't put it past your parents to murder him on the spot. And more rivalry between the families is not what we need currently. Now, yn, I know legilimency, and I've been looking into Draco's mind." He said to you, looking you directly in your eyes. 

"Umm, Mattheo, I'm pretty sure that's a massive violation of privacy." You said, tilting your head sarcastically. 

"It is, but given your situation, do you want to know what he's thinking or not?" He asked, smirking. 

You considered for a moment. "Fair. What do I need to know?" You said, looking at him. 

Mattheo exhaled deeply. "Well, he's planning to definitely meet you at midnight on the west balcony, so I'd suggest if you want to go through with this, you go there in about 45 minutes. And he's also thinking that if I dance with you again, he'll rip my hands off." He finished, taking a breath. 

You thought for a second. "So he's going to meet me at midnight?" (SEE WHAT I DID????) 

"Yep." Mattheo said, dropping his hands from your waist as the song ended. You removed your hands from his shoulders and he hugged you, almost like an older brother. He backed out of it after a second or two and started walking away. 

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