Movie Night - Platonic!Slytherin gang

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A/N: I WORKED FOR OVER TEN HOURS ON THIS AND IT DIDN'T SAVE! Gonna scream and cry but instead I'm rewriting while watching Baby which fyi is where editors get their clips of our much loved theodore nott, played by Lorenzo Zurzolo. Also, the chosen movie didn't come out before this fillm, I'm aware, but suck it up buttercups <3

Summary: Movie night with your best friends. What could go right?

warnings: swearing


You flopped down onto the bed between Pansy and Astoria, the latter of which immediately smacked you around the head with a frog plushie. "Finally, what took you so long? It's popcorn, not rocket science." She laughed, Pansy rolling her eyes.

"I managed to perfevt the popcorn first try. Alone. However, when I first tried to make it, someone wanted to help, and someone managed to burn the popcorn and nearly blow up the pan!" You said, glaring playfully at Enzo. He gave you an apologetic look, before sitting beside Rhia on a beanbag.

You handed the popcorn bowl to Pansy, who threw a piece at Theodore, who caught it in his mouth, resulting in a triumphant yell, until Astoria's frog plushie smacked him in the face. Mattheo snorted.

You giggled, turning to look at Blaise and Tom, who were fiddling around with a projector.

"You two need some help?" Rhia called, watching as Tom grew more and more frustrated.

"No, we're perfectly capable of doing it by ourselves. Piss off." Tom said, frowning. He then noticed who was talking. "Sorry Rhia, too harsh." He said, voice a shade softer. Rhia smiled and turned back to Enzo, who was showing her an action figure of one of the Irish Quidditch team.

You turned away, tuning back into your conversation with Pansy and Astoria before a loud crash interrupted you. You turned back to Blaise and Tom, the latter of which was muttering 'Reparo' at the projector.

"You sure you still don't need help?" Rhia is just sat there, a small smile on her face as she watches them. 

"Again, we're fi-" Blaise cuts Tom off, slapping a hand over his mouth. "He's lying Rhia, help us, please, we're incapable." Blaise says, a pleading look in his eyes.

You laugh as Rhia goes over and sets it up within a minute. Tom is looking very disgruntled, feeling slightly stupid but also slightly impressed by Rhia' capabilities with muggle technology. 

Everyone gets comfortable for the film, which is going to be 'Mean Girls'. Tom gives you a look, as you were the one to choose the film, but ultimately he decides to trust your judgement. The film begins, with everyone getting comfortable and snuggly, blankets everywhere.

*a little bit later*

"I don't think my father, the inventor of Toaster Strudel, would be too pleased to hear about this." Gretchen's voice came from the screen, and Theodore laughed. "Wow guys, it's Draco!" He was met with a few laughs, and an extremely sour expression form Draco. 

"No no, that's not Draco. She is." Mattheo pointed to Regina. "How do I even begin to explain Draco Malfoy?" He smirked, adopting an exaggerated dreamy expression. 

"Draco Malfoy is flawless." Theodore says, sitting up and opening his eyes wide in imitation of the girl from earlier on in the movie. 

"He has two fendi purses and a silver lexus." Blaise continued, giving side eyes to either side of him as if someone was listening to him sharing Draco's secrets.

"I've heard his hair's insured for 10,000 dollars." Lorenzo said, gasping and enunciating for dramatic effect. "It's 50,000 actually." Draco muttered.

"I hear he does car commercials... in Japan." Mattheo said furtively, still smirking. Draco rolled his eyes.

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