Masked part 5 - Draco Malfoy

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Summary so far: Well, you've made it onto the train at Hogwarts... now how will the rest of your time there go? Who will you encounter? What will be revealed? Well basically... no I'm not going to do that, read the whole MASKED mini series!

A/N: Well this is weird. I'm not a Draco girl never have been, never will be.. and yet this is probably one of the best yet most cheesy things I'll ever write in my life. I love Masked so much, and now that it's nearly finished, I can actually tell the people who follow my tiktok about it... If you haven't found this oneshot book from my tiktok, go follow me over there @azrakaban x 


It had been a month since you arrived at Hogwarts. You were privately sorted after the feast in professor Dumbledore's office, and it had confirmed most people's suspicions: you were a Slytherin. (the house was necessary for plot, but I'll do others with yn as other houses <3)

You were settling into life at the castle well.. aside from one thing. You saw Draco every day, and it was awkward to say the least. He had elected to ignore you in person as well as by letter. Not that you were surprised; it was expected, although a small part of you wished he had made some attempt to explain his sudden silence. 

That was, until the new Professor Slughorn paired you together in potions. He was silent throughout the class, ignoring your questions in every lesson, leaving you to ask someone else. And, rolling your eyes, you would. It was stupid. 

Of course, you understood that there was pressure on him. Your group recently heard that Draco had been given the dark mark by the dark lord, branding him as a death eater. You had no idea what that entailed. But that didn't excuse his complete ignorance of your existence. 

"Do we add this?" You asked, not expecting any kind of response. You were holding up an ingredient from your cupboard. Draco remained indifferent, and you sighed. 

Then, you turned over the ingredient in your palm and cried out. It had a sharp side, and was slightly buried into your hand. You pulled it out, throwing it into your potion, no longer caring if it was supposed to be in there.

Draco completely ignored your small yelp of pain, aside from stiffening slightly as blood ran down your palm. (No he's not a vampire, calm down Twilight and tvd fans).

He just watched as you pressed fabric against it to stop the bleeding, and as Pansy helped you wrap your hand in a spair clean rag. You could have sworn you seen his mouth quirk up at the corner. That was it. 

With your good hand, you wrote him a note: "Meet me after class. We need to talk." His eyes roved it for a second before crumpling it into his pocket.

You waited until class was over, unfortunately leaving after Draco. You found it unlikely that he had decided to wait for you, so left with Pansy, Astoria and Rhia, who you had quickly found was an incredible friend. 

To your surprise, you were wrong about him. Draco was waiting outside the dungeon classroom, leaning against the wall looking bored. You excused yourself from the girls, and walked over to him. 

"Hi." You said, suddenly feeling a little apprehensive. "Hey." He replied. Wow, your first words in over six months and they were incredibly awe inspiring. Not. 

"Okay so I don't exactly want to be overheard, so do you mind coming with me? I just don't want people finding dirt to use on us." You said, giving him a small smile. 

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