Mattheo Riddle Headcanons Pt 3

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A/N: This part is solely focused on how Mattheo would be with kids! My own interpretation, you may disagree, if you do oh well, too bad <3

Names mentioned, change if you want <3 (I picked relatively rare names to make it easier)

- Girls: Aella, Enya, Callie (2 & 1/2, 5, 8)


- Okay starting off strong, I'm a firm believer that this man is terrified of children. They're like small curious little balls and he's scared. Can't explain it. They're so easily harmable.

- But imagine you've been dating a year or so and he's chill with you, obviously children haven't come up, and you haven't engaged with any, besides the First Years, which are basically just small irritating puppies.

- But then you want him to meet your family. And he's great, happy to do that... then you mention your little sisters. Oh god.

- Trying not to cry honestly, he's scared for his life. Kids are so invasive.

- But he loves you so he'd go along with it, albeit nervously.


- Okay so it's all fine, you turn up and your parents are greeting him, but then the kids spawn in out of nowhere.

- "Y/N! ENYA STOLE MY DOLL!" Your little sister Callie says, glaring at her twin.

- Imagine him immediately slightly tensing, before you laugh and help sort them out. (Turns out they have identical dolls, and got them confused.)

- They'll then turn to notice this weird, tall stranger who is clinging to their older sibling like bindweed.

- "Who are you?" Enya says suspiciously. Imagine him legitimately gulping and looking at you.

- "Enya, Callie, this is my boyfriend Mattheo. Say hi Mattheo."

- "Umm hi, Enya, Callie." He'd be so awkward, especially when he looks down and there's a small toddler clinging to his leg, little Aella. "And... a koala?"

- Callie giggles, triggering Aella to giggle, and then get the hiccups. Enya however, GLARING. "I'm not Enya. I'm Princess Enya." She emphasises, flicking her hair.

- He raises an eyebrow at you, then crouches down, careful not to dislodge Aella.

- "My most sincere apologies, Princess Enya. How can I make it up to you?" He looks up at you, checking he's doing the right thing.

- When you nod, he turns back as Enya delivers her sentence. "You must play knights and princesses with Callie. I am too tired. I will go and nap on the sofa. 14 steps is far too far to go to bed." (relatable)

- He's scared for a second, but follows Callie into the next room, her playroom.

- "So, am I the knight?" She gives him the DIRTIEST glare.

- "No silly, you're the Princess. You have long eyelashes." She says like it's obvious.

- Mattheo glances to the door, but you've abandoned him in favour of yapping with your parents.

- Imagine u come back later in the day and he's fully dressed up as a princess, with a tutu magically enlarged for him, and a plastic tiara. He's got kids eyeshadow on, and he's playing with your sister amazingly.

- His voice is all high for the princess, and Callie is having the time of her life.

- You obviously get a picture in because HELLO?

- never ever let that go 🙏

- imagine him having a conversation with Callie about you that one of your parents overhears.

- "Do you want to marry y/n?"

- "Umm, maybe. I want whatever y/n wants, I just want them to be happy, okay Callie? Can you keep that a secret?" He raises an eyebrow.

- Callie rolls her eyes.  "Boring."

- then your girl goes back to playing with her toys because honestly he's not interesting if he's not being a princess.

- By the end of ur time at home he's chill with your siblings, and realises that kids aren't as scary as he thought.

- he's less scared of kids now to say the least <333

edits made by me - do u guys think I could make it as an editor 🤔 (joking i swear)

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edits made by me - do u guys think I could make it as an editor 🤔 (joking i swear)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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