Study buddies - Tom Riddle

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A/n: Quick things: 


- There will be a lot of switching between POV's so try not to get confused x

-I know because Tom was concieved under a lover potion he can't feel emotions but for the sake of the one shots and my views he's emotionally available xoxo


Summary: you and Tom got partnered for Potions and now you've both caught feelings for each other... 



You walked into Potions and dropped your bag down next to your stool, meeting the small smile of your lab partner and new friend, Tom Riddle. You hadn't spoken to him before being partnered for the lesson, and you probably wouldn't have had you not been forced to work together. 

It was through these lessons that you started to gradually getting to know Tom, even studying together in the library with him a few times. Naturally though, it wasn't long before he started unknowingly using his charm on you and causing you to fall for him.

Whether it was intentional or not, you had a small crush on Tom Riddle. Well, that's what you told yourself. The reality - You were completely head over heels in love with him. Over the past months as he and you gained each others trust, laughed together and exploded a few cauldrons, you had completely fallen for the calm introvert that he was, the small smile he tended to reserve just for you, and the way he seemed totally in control of everything.

 Heck, he had complete control over you, and he had no idea. You would have done anything he asked of you. Well, almost anything. Yet he had no idea. And he probably would never know. In your experience, crushes are best to be kept secret. In other experiences, it had ended messily, and never happily. For now it was just better to keep to yourself and pretend nothing was different. 


She was completely and utterly oblivious. Every second I spent with her was utter agony, trying to hide how I truly felt. She broke through the calm, in control facade to the real me, the one who couldn't control his emotions. I thought I knew better than to let people get closer to me but the worst part? I wanted her to. 

From the very first week we started talking, I wanted her to know the real me, the one I didn't let others see. I wanted her to realise, to know how special she was. And I knew then, the second she fully broke through the shell she would have complete control over me. I was hers, and she was painfully, agonizingly... not mine. 

And how I wished that was not the case. I needed all of her, wanted it with ever fibre of my being... but she never gave any indication of feeling the same way. She just engaged with conversations, studied with me and laughed when I did. Nothing more. Just Study buddies. 

What I would give to be able to look into her mimd, even just for a few seconds. Remembering I was a legilimens, I attempted to peer into her mind, but was instantly repelled by a stronger force. Occlumency. She could have been hiding something, I wouldn't know. But if she was... what was she hiding?


I felt another pushing sensation at the side of my head, and quickly repelled it, sending it back where it came from. Occlumency had come in pretty handy recently. All Tom seems to want to do is read my mind. It's a pain in the arse to be honest. 

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