Masked - Draco Malfoy

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Summary: Draco attends a masked ball... but leaves with more than he anticipated.

A/N; If you can't tell, this is based off of the classic Shakespeare play Romeo and Juliet! Idk when and how this came to my brain but I hope you guys enjoy it. Also: NO PANSY SLANDER IS TOLERATED IN MY COMMENTS. PANSY IS BAE AND I LOVE HER SO KEEP YOUR MOUTHS SHUT PLEASE <3

Key info: This is set in Draco's sixth year, so when Voldemort was actively back. Also in this one shot, Theodore and Draco hate each other, whereas in other one shots they're friends

The plot of Deathly Hallows happens after the golden trio's year leaves Hogwarts, so basically the equivalent of their 'eighth' year. The seventh year is just Voldy doing his thing.

Mini Playlist for you guys:
-Love Story (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift

Wanna be yours - Arctic Monkeys
- Line without a hook - Ricky Montgomery
- My Blood - Ellie Goulding
- Set fire to the rain - Adele
- Don't blame me - Taylor Swift
- Hits Different - Taylor Swift
- I'm yours - Isabel LaRosa
- Love me or leave me - Little mix
- Only love can hurt like this - Paloma Faith
- Shameless - Camilla Cabello
- Daddy issues - The Neighbourhood
- Total eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
- Wildest Dreams (Taylor's version) - Taylor Swift


Third person POV:

The Malfoys and the Notts hated each other. It was a rivalry that ran deep and long since both families could remember. It was rumoured that the dispute had started with Cantankerus Nott's publishing of 'The Pure Blood Directory' in the 1630's, which featured a small jab at the Malfoy family. The Malfoys, indignant, retaliated, leading to a fourty year dispute.

Needless to say, the only reason the families were ever civil to each other was for the sake of the dark lord. Although even this was strained, and the families tended to go out of their way to avoid each other.

So you can imagine the reaction when the Malfoys turned up to The Dark Lord's ball at The Nott Estate.

It was a dark November Saturday night and the few Death Eaters that that had re-emerged when The Dark Lord rose once again were gathered at a masked ball, hosted by Nikovos and Helyre Nott, accompanied by their son and daughter, Theodore and y/n, twins.

your pov:

As you entered the hall, you pulled the mask down over your eyes, standing to survey the guests before your parents made a beeline for the dark lord and Theodore headed for his friend from Hogwarts. Having been home schooled for your safety, you had never experienced Hogwarts. Your understanding of people your age came from forced 'playdates' with other Pure-Bloods.

It had taught you to be nice to the right people, but you yearned for a true friend. One your parents hadn't pre-approved, a genuine friend.

Unfortunately, you didn't see an end to the monotonous life your parents forced upon you from a young age. You were stuck attending the balls, feigning interest in every new idea presented the Death Eater Meetings you rarely attended. You were usually the only teen there. In reality, you didn't remember a single meeting, having either fallen asleep, zoned out or excused yourself.

Pulling out of the memory with a shudder, you walked through the people filling the hall, heading straight for the drinks table. You grabbed a drink quickly. Non-alcoholic of course. You couldn't stand the substance, having an extreme intolerance to it.

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