Masked Part 4 - Draco Malfoy

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Summary so far: your love story with Draco has come to an end.. or so you think. With a letter from hogwarts in your hand, who knows who you'll 'run into' at the school? 

A/N: same as the other chapters - but please remember that although in this fic you and Draco are in sixth year,the whole killing Dumbledore thing won't go down, and THERE WILL BE NO FOOLISH PANSY SLANDER IN MY COMMENTS. Pansy is bae, and I will give you no reason to hate her. 

Mental talking is in italics, so don't get confused please <3


"What is Draco Malfoy to you?"


A direct lie. You knew it. You just hoped your face didn't betray that. 

"Read her. I must know if she lies." 

Your mother's voice echoed around the room, the words directed to a Mattheo Riddle. He took a step forward. 

"Sorry about this yn. It's necessary though, you know? We have to know if you can be trusted not to throw yourself at him the second you step inside the castle." Mattheo said, smirking. You glared at him. You felt him enter your mind. 

'Remarkably empty in here isn't it?'

'Shut up.' 

'Careful Nott, my ability to lie is the only way you're getting to Hogwarts.' 


You felt Mattheo leave your mind. 

"She's telling the truth. He means nothing to her."  Mattheo said, locking eyes with your parents. 

You tried not to look as if this was news to you. They looked at you, then nodded. 

"She can go."  


And that was how you had ended up here. On a platform, holding a trunk and cat crate. (Sorry if you prefer owls or toads, the cat is necessary for the storyline) 

You sucked in a breath. Stepping through the barrier was one thing, being on the platform surrounded by hugging families was another thing. You felt Theodore stiffen beside you, and you gently squeezed his hand. 

Your childhood hadn't exactly been affection central. Your mother may have hugged you or told you she loved you once in a blue moon, but your father preferred to keep his enemies close, allies closer, and kids as far away as possible. 

You sighed, pulling your mind from memories. You registered that Theo was pulling you onto the train. You weren't sure why you were surprised that your mother hadn't said goodbye. 

You were dragged into a carriage with a few of Theo's friends, letting him pull you to sit beside him. 

"Guys, this is my sister yn. She's joining our year." He said, fistbumping Mattheo, who was sat opposite him. You were opposite a pretty girl with dark curling hair, and beside a girl with long blonde hair. 

The girls both seemed wary, but gave you small smiles. "Hey yn, I'm Pansy, this is Astoria, Lorenzo, and I'm guessing you know Mattheo?" The dark haired girl said, indicating all the people in your carriage. 

"Yep, nice to meet you all. I'm gonna takea wild guess and say you're all in Slytherin?" You said, pointing to their green ties. 

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