Masked part 3 - Draco Malfoy

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Summary so far: you've danced, kissed, broken rules and gone against your parents with him... but what will happen with your forbidden romance? 



You waited in your room, having just released Draco's owl through your window to carry a letter back to him.

Over the past three months, you and Draco had exchanged hundreds of letters. Each time Draco wrote to you, he put a white rose in the envelope. You felt bad for the owls, but the roses were always beautiful.

As you watched the owl fade into a dot on the horizon, you wondered if Draco waited for your letters like you waited for his.


A week passed, and practically an entire essay was sent back. Reading the letter, you found your smile growing. You weren't sure when you had started smiling, but that was the effect his letters had on you.

But then your face froze. He asked to meet you again, to see you in person. You considered for a second. He asked to meet you in Diagon Alley, at a lesser known restaurant called The Locket. You folded up the letter, smiling to yourself and locked it in your beside cabinet.

Grabbing parchment, you immediately wrote back, confirming that you'd be there. You waited until his owl was rested, before tying the note to it's leg and sending it on it's way.


A week later, you entered The Locket, and your eyes spotted a flash of bleach blonde hair. Heading toward the person, you turned the corner and walked straight into a figure.

Looking up, your eyes met ice chip blue ones, and you recognised the person to be Draco. You instantly wrapped him into a hug, and his arms snaked around your waist, holding you to him. (BLACK SUIT DRACO)

"I missed you too darling." He chuckled, looking down at you with a smirk. "Don't get too cocky Malfoy, I haven't seen you in four months, I'm a very needy human." You laughed, pulling back and letting him kiss your forehead.

Your eyes slid to his mouth, and he leaned down and brushed a kiss to your lips. Both of you smiling, he pulled back and led you to your seat. 

You both ordered, and ended up talking and laughing for so long that the food nearly went cold.

The two of you left the restaurant, still talking and laughing. Draco had insisted on paying, and to be honest, you weren't about to object. (I mean same 💀) 

Walking down the street, the two of you looked in shop windows, Draco happy to go into whichever shop you wanted, wistfully eyeing Quality Quidditch Supplies.

You looked in the window of a jewellery shop, and your eye caught on a particular necklace. It wasn't big or fancy, just a small chain with a little feather charm hanging from it. It was however, far beyond your budget.

"Which one are you looking at?" Came from behind you, a smile easy to hear in the voice. You turned to meet Draco's voice, and guided his line of sight to the necklace.

"That one. It reminds me of us, constantly writing to each other for the past months. Unless of course, you're writing to some other lover?" You joked.

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