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Waking with a start when I suddenly hear loud music blasting nearby me I immediately sit up and look around in confusion. Just as I'm about to question it Rory groans and grabs his phone near the couch he immediately answering it and greets the person on the other end. It's quiet for a moment before Rory's eyes widen in panic barely getting out a "I'll see you soon" before hanging up. I give him a confused look as he scrambles to his feet in a panic. "I'm late for work. Hurry and go get dressed and we'll leave as soon as possible." I nod and get up heading to my room where I dig through my closet choosing simple grey jeans with a black shirt that has white long sleeves. I fight with my binder before pulling on my shirt and then I slip on some blue lace less sneakers before going to brush my dirty blonde hair and brush my teeth as well. Once I'm finished I head to the living room seeing Rory wearing a simple purple dress with a black sweater on top of it he giving me a smile. "Let's go." I nod and follow him out of the apartment and downstairs to a car then anxiously look out the window fidgeting as we get to the entertainment company. I exit the car with Rory then follow him inside and to the elevator we getting to the right floor and I follow Rory to a large room where a bunch of boys are sitting in chairs. I watch Rory rush over to a slightly older attractive guy they both smiling lovingly at each other as Rory grabs a bunch of makeup supplies. Standing off to the side I observe everything silently until I feel the need to use the bathroom I quickly leaving the room to go find it. Once I find it and do my business I head out after washing my hands and start heading back towards the styling room. Just as I go to turn the corner though I hear voices laughing cruelly and frown when I hear Rory's name. "I still can't believe they let that Rory work here he's a freak." Another guy speaks up I immediately feeling anger and sick at his words. "Hey now freaks are the best in bed. And who knows maybe he'll look prettier with his mouth full." I step out from around the corner and approach the men angrily. "Hey you shut your mouths about Rory! He hasn't done anything to you and you don't need to be perverted just because he likes pretty things." The men both look at each other before smirking. "Well looks like we have a brave one here. Why don't you just wander off and mind your business." I scowl at them. "Rory is my business he's my friend and if you wanna talk trash about him then you'll have to take it up with me." Suddenly I'm grabbed by one of the men the man getting really close to my face. "If you don't shut your mouth I'll gladly do it for you." I immediately give him a defiant look before I spit in his face he shoving me backwards with full force I stumbling and close my eyes but am immediately confused when I don't feel myself on the ground. Slowly opening my eyes I peek upwards only to see a guy holding me up he gently helping me to my feet and I blush when I see how attractive he is muttering out a shy "thanks." His lips twitch up into a smile and he goes to say something when the guy I spit on comes barreling towards us pure fury in his eyes but the guy who caught me who looks slightly older pushes me behind him protectively the man glaring at him. "Give him to me now." I see the guy give a defiant look. "No and if you don't leave him alone I'll have you fired for bullying." The mans eyes narrow. "You're bluffing." I watch curiously as they both have a stare down before the man backs down with a grumble and leaves with his friend. Once he's gone I move out from behind the guy I giving a thankful smile. "Thanks for helping me. I'm Tate by the way. Kim Tate." He gives me a smile back. "You're welcome. And I'm Asahi, Hamada Asahi." I smile and bow politely. "Nice to meet you. You're apart of the group Yoshi's in right? Why aren't you in makeup?" He shrugs. "I already got my pictures taken and everything so I was just wandering around." I give a little nod of understanding before asking shyly. "Can I maybe join you? It's better than staying in the corner in the styling room." He nods giving me a reassuring smile. "Sure I don't mind." I grin and we soon start walking around the company chatting occasionally but don't feel pressured to keep conversations. Soon I hear my phone ding signaling a message and check it seeing it's from Rory. "Oh. I have to go now. Do you think we can head back to the styling room?" He gives a nod and we turn around. "Of course let's go." We start walking back the way we came until we reach the styling room I giving Asahi a thankful smile before going over to Rory who's cleaning up his station. "Hey are you done already?" He looks up at me and nods smiling. "Yeah. Where were you? I noticed you were gone for a really long time." I shrug. "Went to the bathroom and then I ran into one of Yoshi's group members and we went for a walk and chatted occasionally." He slowly nods looking curious. "Who was it?" I smile a little. "Asahi." He immediately gives me a look of surprise. "Really? He usually keeps very quiet and stays to himself." I shrug. "Well we didn't exactly talk each others ears off we were more comfortable with talking about a few things and keeping things simple." He hums thoughtfully before heading for the door. "Well I guess some people are different." I nod and we head out of the company to the car and go home where I immediately go to change and curl up falling asleep as soon as I lay down from jet lag.

Going crazy (a Hamada Asahi x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now