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The next morning I'm abruptly awoken by a pillow being slammed against my head I immediately jolting and sitting straight up in bed wide eyed. I look around only to see Rory standing there laughing with a pillow in his hands and I give him a glare. "Did you have to wake me up like that?" He calms down a little grinning at me. "Yes. Because you wouldn't wake up to me calling you." I grumble a little rubbing my eyes before checking the time only to frown. "Why are you waking me up so early?" He raises an eyebrow at me. "Dude it's nine o'clock. That's not early. And besides we're going to the amusement park today remember?" I blink then remember that the guys apparently have a day off today. "Oh. Well let me get dressed since I'm up now." Rory nods telling me to hurry he already dressed in a white blouse with a black skirt and grey leggings. Sighing I get up and dig through my closet grabbing a black long sleeve shirt and grey jeans I quickly pulling on my binder making sure it's adjusted right then pull on my clothes and head to the bathroom observing myself in the mirror with a frown. I stare at my reflection seeing a small pale figure with short blonde hair and green eyes I adjusting my binder anxiously feeling paranoid. Suddenly Rory yells out for me to hurry up making me snap out of my thoughts I quickly brushing my hair and teeth before rushing to grab my phone and wallet. I then hurry to Rory's side he looking me over worriedly. "Are you sure you should be wearing that? You might get hot." I give him a reassuring look. "I'll be fine." He slowly nods looking like he wants to protest but his phone dings signaling that he has a message. He quickly checks it and a bright smile crosses his face. "The guys are here to pick us up let's go!" He grabs onto my arm dragging me out of the apartment and downstairs after he locks up then we head outside there two vans parked in front of the building. I see Yoshi get out wearing a cap and mask and Rory immediately runs over to him tackling him in a hug I feeling a slight pang of envy in my chest but push my feelings down. Instead I slowly make my way over to them Rory finally turning to me with a smile. "We should probably get going. I call the middle with Yoshi!" I blink a little and am about to say something when Rory pokes his head into the van. "Asahi can you please scoot over so Tate can sit with you guys?" I frown slightly at the mention of the words you guys but Rory just gives me a sly smile and winks before hopping in the middle seat then points to the backseat. I carefully climb in the van and take the empty spot that is thankfully only beside Asahi while he's in between me and Haruto. I buckle up silently seeing Hyunsuk in the very front and I try to relax a little as we start to drive away. Rory and Yoshi are cuddling a little while whispering and giggling and I scrunch my nose up slightly when Asahi suddenly whispers in my ear making me jump. "They're cute but it makes me sick sometimes at how affectionate and sweet they act." I can't help but smile and give a little nod of agreement before saying quietly. "I kinda get a bit tired of hearing about him at home but I know how much Rory cares about him and I'm happy for him to have someone so special in his life." Asahi gives me a small smile and quietly agrees with me. Soon we reach the amusement park and we all clamber out of the vans the guys stretching and babbling on in excitement. Hyunsuk gets everyone's attention we all settling down and he says a little seriously. "Everyone needs to have a buddy and we'll all meet back at the entrance later on in the afternoon." Everyone nods and I frown slightly when Asahi looks at me with a smile. "Wanna be my buddy?" I smile and nod happily feeling a little relieved then Rory skips over to us with Yoshi. "Let's all four of us go to the haunted house first!" I frown slightly as the other two agree I going to protest a little because I'm a big scaredy cat when it comes to anything scary but Rory just gives me a reassuring look and whispers in my ear. "Just go with it you can get closer to Asahi." I blink then blush a little glaring at him but he just giggles and grabs onto my hand dragging me off to the entrance where after we pay Rory pulls me over to a scary looking attraction. I swallow as Rory lets me go and rushes to Yoshi's side I looking over at Asahi who doesn't seem phased by the attraction. We get in line I shifting a little nervously as we get closer and closer to our turn it soon time for me and Asahi to go in. As we enter I immediately get scared just by it being dark but I try and take a calming breath as we start walking only to immediately jump when something scary pops up I unconsciously moving closer to Asahi. Barely five minutes in I'm shaking and little whimpers are coming from me I jumping and letting out a scream as someone jumps out at us I grabbing onto Asahi's arm a little tightly. Shaking and whimpering I feel Asahi pull his arm away I starting to panic a little only to calm down a bit when he wraps the arm around my shoulders pulling me close. "Just hide your face and I'll lead us out of here." I swallow and give a shaky nod then bury my face against his shoulder flinching when I hear scary noises or someone pops out but Asahi holds me tight whispering reassurances. Finally we make it to the end of the haunted house and as soon as we're outside I immediately relax taking a deep shaky breath. I then realize I'm still basically clinging on to Asahi and I quickly take a step back blushing. "S.. sorry about that. I hate haunted attractions." He gives me a reassuring smile. "It's okay. But why did you agree if you were scared?" I let out a sigh running a shaky hand through my hair. "Because Rory was so excited and I knew if I refused to go then he wouldn't go either and it wouldn't be fair for him to miss out on something he really wants to do." He gives a little nod. "You're a really good friend." I smile a little. "I try. And thanks for letting me cling to you. I know I was being a giant baby." He gives me a slight look. "You weren't. It's okay to be scared it doesn't make you a baby." I go to say something when suddenly Rory rushes over to us stopping by my side. "Woo that was pretty scary." Yoshi slowly makes his way over and grimaces slightly. "We're never doing that again." I immediately nod in agreement. "Yes definitely not." Rory rolls his eyes and pouts. "Party poopers." I give him a look and he just smiles at me before turning to all of us. "Let's go do something else! We can go on a few rollercoasters." I frown slightly not really liking that idea when Asahi surprisingly steps up to my side. "Actually why don't you and Yoshi go ahead. Tate and I are going to go to the games." Rory looks like he wants to protest but Yoshi quickly speaks up. "Sure see you guys later." He then starts dragging Rory away who's trying to protest and I look at Asahi appreciatively. "Thank you so much I was about to die internally if I had to ride one of those death traps." He chuckles softly and we start walking off. "You're welcome I could see that you really didn't want to go." I nod smiling and we head over to the gaming part of the amusement park where we settle in a peaceful silence I looking around at all of the different games curiously. As we pass by the different games I spot a small stuffed wolf plushie hanging up near one of the games I immediately admiring how cute it is. I didn't even realize I stopped until Asahi stops at my side looking curious. "What are you looking at?" I shake my head shyly saying quickly. "Nothing." He blinks at me before looking over at the gaming station I was staring at he suddenly grabbing my hand and leads me over to where I was staring I noticing it's a game that involves soccer. "How much to play?" One of the men raises an eyebrow but gives him the price Asahi nodding and takes out the money I immediately frowning. "What are you doing?" He looks at me with a little smile. "You want one of the plushies and I'm going to get it for you." I blink a little about to protest but he already hands over the money and the man hands him the soccer ball telling him he has two kicks to try and knock over the three figures. Asahi nods and walks over to the line where he has to kick from setting the ball down. I bite my lip in anticipation as Asahi gets ready then kicks the ball powerfully it actually knocking over the three figures in one try. I gape in surprise as he walks over with a bright smile the man telling him to pick his prize. He looks at me with a smile and motions to the different plushies. "Go ahead and choose." I blush but point out the small stuffed wolf the man grabbing it and hands it over Asahi taking it and hands it to me smiling I immediately blushing saying in a shy voice. "Thank you." He goes to say something when one of the men mutters harshly. "Disgusting queers." I flinch at the harsh words Asahi's eyes narrowing when surprisingly the other man working the game speaks up. "Oh shut up it's the twenty first century." He then looks at us with a smile. "You two make a very cute couple. It's sweet that you got your boyfriend the stuffed wolf just because he wanted it." I blush bright red and go to say we aren't together when Asahi speaks up. "Thank you we really appreciate your kindness." I look at him about to say something as the man who spoke the harsh words glares at us but Asahi grabs my hand and drags me off away from the gaming station. He slows down once we're far away and I give him a confused look. "You should have just told him we weren't a couple." He just shrugs. "No one should be insulted for being themselves or for who they love. It doesn't matter if we were a couple or not he shouldn't have said that at all. And I saw how much those words hurt you so I thought of the best way to get under that guys skin. And that was to just go with us being a couple." I slowly nod admiring his words but I also feel sad that he just said that to get to the harsh man. I hug my new stuffed wolf to my chest and hear my phone ding I digging it out to check it seeing a message from Rory. "Well it's time to go. Hyunsuk wants us to meet at the entrance." He nods and we start making our way back I keeping quiet this time there a big awkward tension between me and Asahi. Once we make it to the entrance I spot Rory and rush over to his side saying quietly. "Hi." He turns to me with a smile only for it to fade when he sees my expression. "Okay who do I need to beat up?" Asahi slowly makes his way over speaking up. "We ran into a very rude guy who insulted us by calling us disgusting queers." Rory immediately tenses up and he looks at me worriedly knowing how much that word hurts me. I give him a small smile trying to sound reassuring. "I'm fine. Let's just go home." He frowns and turns towards Yoshi. "I can't stay over tonight babe sorry." He gives a little nod reassuring him it's fine and I immediately feel bad going to protest but Rory just intertwines our arms and starts leading me towards the van. "Rory if you want to stay with Yoshi then go ahead. I'll be fine." He gives me a serious stern look. "You are not fine I know you. You're upset and you need someone to talk to about what happened." I sigh and lower my head as we stop at the van he motioning for me to go ahead and get in the middle seat. I frown but see his serious look and immediately do as told sitting beside the window. I hear Rory talking to Yoshi and Asahi quietly then he turns and sits beside me while Haruto, Asahi and Yoshi sit in the back. Soon we reach mine and Rory's apartment and we hop out saying goodbye and thank you to the guys before I'm being dragged inside.

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