Ch 15

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We pull up in front of a building I looking a little curious as Asahi steps out wearing a cap and mask I following him. He says something to the driver before grabbing my hand and leads me inside the building I noticing the car driving away. As we enter the building I look around curiously seeing a bunch of easels and paints my eyes immediately lighting up when I realize that we'll be painting. He gently tugs on my hand and leads me to a back corner where a couple of easels are sitting and I immediately put on an apron provided then look at Asahi who's taken his mask off I looking around in slight panic but notice that there are only a handful of people here that are mostly older couples. Relaxing a little I concentrate on starting my painting it different from drawing so I struggle a little. After awhile of painting I finish my painting of a sunset and turn to look at Asahi seeing he painted a night sky I immediately smiling. "That's a coincidence our paintings go together." He looks up and looks surprised before a smile comes to his face. "We'll come pick these up later while they dry. Let's head to the park." I give a little nod and we take the aprons off before heading outside Asahi not bothering with the mask and walk to the park that isn't too far away. As we reach the park I feel Asahi take my hand intertwining our fingers together and he leads me over to a bench. We take a seat and I start fidgeting a little as he looks at me in slight concern. "Are you alright?" I take a deep breath before I say a little nervously. "I have to tell you something. The reason I was being blackmailed and everything...." He suddenly speaks up surprising me a little. "Because you were born a biological girl right?" I freeze and look at him wide eyed he giving my hand a little squeeze. "I got a text before our date telling me about you with pictures from before you transitioned." My shoulders immediately slump in defeat and I feel tears well up in my eyes. "I knew he'd do something like this. I'm sorry. I wanted to be the one to tell you and I understand if you don't want to associate with me anymore." He gently turns me to face him a frown on his face. "Why wouldn't I want to associate with you anymore?" I shift a little before saying pitifully. "Because I'm different. I'm a freak. Every time I tell a date I'm trans then they immediately leave and block my number. So I know someone as amazing as you probably won't be interested in me anymore because it's probably embarrassing to have a transgender partner and...." I'm suddenly cut off by his lips on mine suddenly my eyes widening slightly before I immediately melt completely and kiss back eagerly moving closer. The kiss quickly deepens I accidentally knocking off the cap and gently entangle my fingers in Asahi's hair. After awhile we finally pull away breathing a little heavily I immediately feeling myself blush when our eyes meet I mumbling a little softly. "Wow. That's one way of shutting me up." He lets out a little chuckle. "Sorry but I couldn't listen to you put yourself down anymore. And I wanted to show you that I'm still very much interested." Feeling a little shy I bury my face in his chest hiding he gently rubbing little circles on my back. Just as I pull away I hear my phone ringing I blinking a little and frown but take it out my eyebrows furrowing when I see Rory's name. Giving Asahi an apologetic look I answer the phone curiously. "Hello?" I'm immediately met with an angry sounding Rory. "I'm gonna kill that asshole! Me and the other members just got a group text exposing you about being transgender. Don't let Asahi look at his phone yet." I sigh a little. "It's too late he was texted earlier. But it's fine Rory everything is good now I gotta go." He goes to say something but I immediately hang up and look at Asahi with a frown. "Well the other members know now too." He gives me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry everything will be fine. I know the others will accept you too." I relax a little trusting him before checking the time and look disappointed. "We should probably get our paintings and head back." He reluctantly nods putting his cap back on and we get up heading back to the painting place hand in hand and grab our paintings we deciding to exchange the paintings we made so we have each others. We then head back to the car and go to the apartment where we head up to the door I looking at Asahi with a happy smile. "I had fun and thank you for everything. You know accepting me and being there for me and everything." He just smiles down at me and I gently pull him down into a soft kiss feeling tingles all over my body as we slowly pull away I smiling at him. "Goodnight." He grins down at me wishing me a soft goodnight back and I enter the apartment reluctantly closing the door and let out a dreamy sigh. I then see Rory grinning at me from the hall and I narrow my eyes at him. "You were watching from the peephole weren't you?" He gives a little sheepish smile and I shake my head before heading to my room he calling from behind me. "Check your messages!" I blink in confusion but head into my room first putting the painting in a safe place then quickly get changed into more comfortable clothes then I grab my phone and first see a message from Asahi with the words "missing you already." Smiling softly I then check my other messages and am surprised by the amount of messages from the other members saying they accept and support me. Smiling happily I plug my phone up then climb into bed and fall asleep feeling at ease and happy for once in my life.


Going crazy (a Hamada Asahi x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now