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The next morning I'm abruptly awoken by a force landing on my bed I letting out a groan and open my eyes to see Rory grinning at me. "What do you want?" He bounces a little looking excited. "Come on we're going to the boys practice today!" I frown slightly but let out a sigh. "Alright let me up and I'll get ready." He nods hopping off my bed and runs off I reluctantly getting up and drag my feet to the closet. Looking through my clothes I grab my binder putting it on with a pair of black jeans and a black and grey shirt with a black leather jacket then slip on my usual blue sneakers before going to brush my hair and teeth. Once I'm finished I grab my satchel with my sketchbook and I head out to the living room then follow the scent of food to the kitchen where I see Rory putting plates of eggs and bacon on the table. "Hurry and eat then we'll leave." I nod and take a seat grabbing a plate and start eating happily. Once I'm finished I go to put my empty plate in the sink Rory following me then I grab my satchel and we head out of the apartment and to the car waiting we heading to the entertainment company. Once we reach it I get out with Rory he leading me to the elevator I can see he's bouncing excitedly on his feet. I can't help but give him an amused look. "You sure are excited." He shrugs smiling. "I love watching their practice. Especially when Yoshi dances." I slowly nod and follow him out of the elevator when it stops he leading me down the hall to a closed door music playing loudly. Rory patiently waits outside until the music comes to a stop he knocking a little firmly on the door before he opens it and walks inside I silently following behind him anxiously. "Hey guys! I brought a friend of mine from Australia who just moved here." He then nudges me I giving him a slight look before looking at the others and give a shy bow. "Hi I'm Kim Tate I hope we get along." The others all greet me cheerfully introducing themselves I giving little nods then Hyunsuk gets the boys attention. "Alright guys back to practice." Rory grabs my arm and drags me to the back of the room to a couch in the back and we both take a seat as the music starts. I watch curiously but my eyes keep unconsciously going to Asahi I silently admiring him when Rory suddenly nudges me I jumping and look at him startled but he just smirks at me and I frown until he nods towards Asahi I immediately blushing a little and shake my head turning my attention back to the whole group as they perform. After watching them perform for awhile I silently grab my sketchbook from the satchel I brought and start sketching a little. Getting absorbed in my drawing I don't notice the music stop or Rory leave my side to focused on drawing the idea I have of a lone wolf staring at the moon. Not noticing someone sit beside me it startles me when I suddenly hear a voice by my ear. "Wow that's really good." Jumping slightly from surprise I quickly shut the sketchbook out of instinct and turn my head to see Asahi sitting beside me I blushing when I notice that he was leaning over my shoulder so when I turned my head our lips almost brushed against each other. Swallowing I shyly scoot over feeling embarrassed and clear my throat a little awkwardly. "Sorry I wasn't paying attention and didn't know you were that close." He gives me a small smile. "It's okay. But why did you shut your sketchbook? Your drawing was really good." I lower my head shyly. "It's not that good and it isn't finished so I feel a little insecure about it." He frowns but thankfully doesn't pressure me to show it again I instead putting the sketchbook back into my satchel. "So you're from Australia like Rory? What brings you to Korea?" I immediately make a face and shake my head changing the subject. "So you and the others are really fun and entertaining to watch perform I can only imagine how hard you guys work." Luckily he doesn't push the topic of why I moved and he gives me a smile. "Yeah it's a lot of hard work but it's worth it for the fans." I smile nodding and go to say something when Rory suddenly rushes over. "Tate! We talked with Hyunsuk and he said we can go to the amusement park with the guys tomorrow since it's their day off." I blink a little but give a little smile. "That's cool. I haven't been to an amusement park in awhile." He grins at me happily and runs off I shaking my head with an amused smile before turning my head only to see Asahi staring at me I immediately blushing and look away shyly. He looks like he wants to say something but Rory suddenly calls out cheerfully. "Tate come on we're heading home!" I sigh and look at Asahi giving him a little smile as well as a soft goodbye before I get up grabbing my satchel and follow Rory out of the building and to our apartment.

Going crazy (a Hamada Asahi x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now