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(Tate's Pov)

As I slowly start to wake up I look around me in slight confusion seeing that I'm in a hospital then turn my head immediately feeling surprise when I see Asahi at my side. Seeing him fast asleep I look down seeing our hands intertwined and smile immediately blushing a little. Silently admiring his sleeping figure I take my free hand and gently swipe some hair out of his face freezing when he stirs a little his eyes slowly opening and he blinks sleepily before meeting my gaze. I give him a shy smile and he immediately sits up looking worried and concerned. "How are you feeling?" I shift a little remembering what happened and say a bit softly. "A little better." He slowly nods then says firmly. "Don't ever think about doing something like that again. You had me worried sick and you're lucky I got there in time." I flinch slightly feeling tears well up in my eyes. "I'm sorry. I just couldn't handle things anymore." His expression softens slightly and he gives my hand a little squeeze. "The doctor said you were sick from stress and told us about the bruises. Why didn't you come to any of us?" I give a soft vulnerable sigh. "It's complicated. And Rory made it clear he didn't want to see me while Dongyul was around." He frowns slightly at my response. "What exactly is so complicated that you're staying with someone who's clearly abusing you?" I bite my lip anxiously before finally just blurting out. "Dongyul found out some personal information about me and is threatening to blast it to everyone if I don't stay with him and do what he says." He stares at me for a moment before I see anger flash through his eyes the look on his face scaring me for a second before he takes a deep breath and his expression goes back to normal. "Do you want to tell me what it is?" I hesitate before making a face and shake my head no. "I'm not ready to tell yet. It's nothing really bad or anything it's just extremely personal and private." He nods giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. "Well just know that I'll be here for you when you're ready to talk about it. And of course Rory will also be there for you along with Yoshi and the other members too." I go to say something when the doctor suddenly walks in he looking at me with a little smile. "Well mr Kim it seems you had a little fever and worked yourself up into a sickness. You were also dehydrated so we gave you an IV. How are you feeling with the fluids?" I look a little sheepish feeling embarrassed. "I feel better. How long do I have to stay here?" The doctor hums looking thoughtful. "Well I think you should have another round of fluids and then I think I can maybe release you into this young man's care." I blush a little at the doctors knowing look I muttering out a shy "thank you." He switches the fluid bags then turns and leaves us I feeling a little embarrassed when Asahi speaks up a little softly. "Do you remember the message you sent to me before your incident?" I blink looking over at him in confusion before I slowly think back to the hasty message I typed out and sent my eyes widening slightly before I pull my hand away and hide my face in embarrassment. "Oh god I can't believe I sent that. I'm so sorry I wasn't thinking clearly and was in the middle of a breakdown..." He suddenly cuts me off speaking over me a little. "Did you mean it? The last part about liking me did you mean it?" I blush bright red and slowly peek through my fingers before giving a little shy nod muttering sheepishly. "Yes." I hide my face again not wanting to see his reaction it quiet for a minute before I hear his soft voice. "Tate look at me." I shake my head no stubbornly and suddenly he gently grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face giving me a smile. "I like you too you know." I immediately look at him surprised. "Why?" He chuckles softly. "Because you're very attractive, you get excited over stuffed animals but get cute and clingy when you're scared. You're an amazing artist even though you get shy and insecure about your skills. And you're easy to talk to because you don't force conversations you're happy to just be with me in silence." I immediately feel like crying from happiness and relief my shoulders relaxing completely I mumbling softly. "No one's really paid that much attention to little details about me before." He smiles and goes to say something when suddenly the door bursts open revealing a frazzled looking Rory who immediately rushes over and tackles me in a big hug. "You should have come to me when things got bad! I had to find out you were hurting emotionally from Asahi bringing you into the practice room unconscious!" I squirm a little uncomfortably. "Look Rory I'm sorry but will you please let me go?" He goes to protest but Yoshi thankfully pries him off of me I letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you Yoshi." He nods giving me a small smile and Rory gives me a stern look. "That asshole is going to pay for hurting you. He'll wish he never even looked at you." I frown in slight panic shaking my head frantically. "Please don't piss him off!" Rory frowns and Asahi takes my hand comfortably before looking at Rory. "He's being blackmailed." Rory's eyes widen slightly before he stupidly blurts out making me grimace. "How the hell did he find out about you?" I give him a slight look. "Practically blab out my secret why don't you. And he apparently ran a background check on my past." Rory frowns about to say something when the doctor comes back in to check the bag it empty and he hums unhooking my IV. "Well mr Kim you're free to go just take it easy." I nod in relief thanking him as he leaves then look at Rory expectantly his eyes widening in realization before he clears his throat. "Let's leave him to get dressed." He then ushers Yoshi and Asahi out I waiting for the door to close before getting up and pull on my clothes before we head home.

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