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As I start to make my way to Dongyul's office I feel myself start to have a mental breakdown and hyperventilate not wanting to go home and take more inappropriate pictures. Taking a few calming breaths I suddenly make a decision pulling my phone out and send a quick text before I turn and start heading for the roof.

(Asahi's Pov)

Just finishing up with practice I go to grab my bag when I see I have a text from an unknown number I cautiously opening it only to freeze when I read over the words.

Hey Asahi, it's Tate. I just want to thank you for being so nice and kind to me and for being there for support. I can't do this anymore though especially since Rory hates me and I got myself mixed up in a bad situation so I want you to tell Rory I'm sorry and that he's the best brother. I also have to get off my chest that that I really really like you but I don't deserve someone as great as you. So I guess this is goodbye.

Immediately panicking I run for the door as fast as possible ignoring the multiple calls of my name I instead taking the stairs to the roof I hoping I'm right in my assumption and not to late as I burst through the door to the roof and see Tate standing up on the barrier of the roof about to jump over the side. I quickly run over grabbing him around his waist and forcefully pull him back to safety he immediately squirming and screaming out trying to get free. "Let me go! I can't go back to him! I can't! Please!" His screams slowly die down before he passes out I immediately looking worried feeling that he's burning up. I rush him off the roof and down to the practice room where I burst in heading over to Yoshi saying seriously. "We need to get him to a hospital. He's burning up and not in a good mindset." Yoshi frowns but nods and rushes off to borrow a car from the manager while Rory rushes over worriedly. "Oh god he's looking horrible." I nod sadly looking down at Tate's pale face and dark circles under his eyes I immediately following Yoshi to the garage when he gets some keys Rory following a little anxiously. We soon reach the hospital and I reluctantly hand Tate over to the nurses I telling about the roof incident before starting to pace thinking over his words about not going back and I'm pretty sure he mean's Dongyul. I shakily run a hand through my hair feeling heartbroken that Tate almost came close to hurting himself I stopping in my tracks when a doctor comes out to us Rory and I immediately heading over anxiously. "How is he?" I hear the worry in Rory's voice and the doctor gives us a little reassuring smile. "He'll be okay. He's got a bit of a fever and some bruises that are pretty bad that are a few days old but he should be fine in a day or two." Hearing that Tate has bruises my heart sinks a little and I feel a slight anger fill me. Once the doctor leaves I look over at Rory and see his fists clenched at his sides angrily he gritting out in an angry voice. "That man is so dead." Yoshi immediately tries to calm his boyfriend down by telling him we can go see Tate now it seeming to work because he tells me to come on I following him into the room silently my heart breaking when I see the handprint bruises on his arms because of the hospital gown he's wearing. We all sit there for a little while until visiting hours are over with but the nurse is nice enough to let one of us stay with him overnight. Rory looks at me with a small smile. "You can stay with him tonight. I'm sure he'd rather you here than me at the moment." I give a little nod and he leaves with Yoshi wishing me luck. I silently take the seat beside Tate's bed and let out a little sigh taking his hand and hold it slowly falling asleep.

Going crazy (a Hamada Asahi x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now