Ch 10

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Over the next few days I feel absolutely miserable where I hardly sleep or eat due to constant anxiety and how depressed I feel. Making my way to the entertainment company I quickly escape from Dongyul's side and make my way to a random floor only to pause when I hear treasure's music I immediately feeling sad and guilty. Shaking my head I go to head back to the elevator when I suddenly hear my name being called making me freeze in my tracks recognizing Asahi's soft voice. I swallow and slowly turn around putting on a smile but he just frowns at me. "Where have you been? We've all been worried about you." I immediately feel sick but try to keep my expression hidden. "Sorry I've been kinda busy." He goes to say something when suddenly my stomach growls really loudly making my eyes widen a little he looking at me in surprise before looking concerned. "When was the last time you ate?" I don't say anything and he frowns before grabbing my hand and starts dragging me to the elevators. "Come on we're going to the cafeteria." I go to protest but he gives me a slightly stern look I backing off and just follow him. As we make our way to the cafeteria I frown when I realize I don't have any money but before I can say anything Asahi orders and pays for two meals he letting go of my hand to grab the tray and leads me over to a table before handing one of the meals over to me. I thank him softly before starting to eat a little eagerly. Once I'm finished eating I let out a little tired sigh rubbing my eyes I feeling Asahi's eyes on me. "What's been going on with you lately? Rory says you're acting really different then how you usually act." I make a face and shake my head stubbornly. "I can't talk about it." He frowns a little saying softly. "Tate you can tell me anything I won't judge and I won't tell." I immediately start feeling anxious and upset shaking my head no frantically tears welling up. "You don't get it I CANT! You wouldn't talk to me anymore and neither would the others." He looks a little insulted and I bury my face in my hands whimpering. "I don't want to hurt you or Rory or the other members but if I don't push you away it'll end horribly. So just go and leave me alone." It's quiet for a moment before he says softly. "If you need me or want to talk don't hesitate to call, text or come find me." I hear his chair scrape and his footsteps I looking up from my hands seeing a napkin with a phone number on it. Swallowing I quickly put it in my phone before ripping it up and throwing it away then reluctantly go to find Dongyul.

Going crazy (a Hamada Asahi x male reader story)Where stories live. Discover now