River Pack ~ Chapter 3

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Tori's P.O.V

I woke up after while to a twig snapping and a brand new delicious scent floating around in the air. That scent alone hit me like a bomb. Oh god. Oh no. Oh yes. I knew this feeling. I knew what it meant. That - that scent was my mate. I had found my mate. As I lifted my head, I saw at the edge of the trees opposite me was a really  dark brown wolf. His mysterious dark grey eyes looked back at me with admiration and, love? Oh. He knew what I was to him. Now it made sense. I stood up, then started walking slowly towards him. I had only just found him yet I was in love already. Wow. I guess I couldn't hide my feelings now.

'Who are you?'' I asked through the bond as i got closer to him.

'I'm Ashley Darren. Who are you?' His deep sexy masculine voice replied. Oh my. He was turning me on.

'Um I'm - Tori Smith.'

'So you're the charming Victoria Rose Smith?''

''Um - yeah. How'd you know?'  I was now right in front of him and he kept looking at my neck. I knew what his wolf wanted. He wanted to mark me.

'You just erm - you need to trust me.'  He said hesitantly.

'Why should i trust u?'  I snapped. I knew why already but i needed to hear him say it.

'Because i'm your mate.'  There we go. Wasn't so hard. 'Grab some clothes and come with me.'  I nodded then we ran back to my house and as he waited at the woods edge, I shiftedback and got dressed into my clothes that i'd left at the back door.

Once I was dressed, Ashley made me climb onto his back and we both shuddered as this warmth and sparks flowed through us. I rode on his back through the woods then we came to a stop and he told me to get off him. I went and sat undreneath a big tree whilst he shifted and got dressed into his clothes. As he got dressed I rested my head against the rough bark of the tree and thought about my mother. What would've happened if my mother hadn't died? Would the robots still have taken my brothers and father? Would we be a happy family together? Would she approve of Ashley being my mate? I wanted her back. Now.

"Hey. You ok?" Ashley's masculine voice asked, bringing me back to reality from my thoughts.

"Yeah. I was just thinking. About my mother." I explained.

"Oh." He sat down next to me and without thinking, I slipped my hand into his and held on tight. His grey eyes seemed to sparkle in excitement and happiness as he looked at our linked hands up to my own eyes. I guess he was happy that I was touching him and accepting what we were to each other. "Tori? i know this is weird to ask right now but.... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes - um - of course." i beamed. He leant towards me slowly looking uncertain so I closed the gap between us and kissed him. The pleasure that flashed through us was amazing. It was a scorching fire rushing through my body at an incredible speed. It turned me on even more and had my heart hammering against my chest as he deepened the kiss with a low moan. God. This was heaven.

Once I had gotten up enough courage, we walked up to the door holding hands. I looked at him nervously and he smiled warmly at me, a hint of mischief in his eyes. Ookaayy.... What was up with that? He opened the door with his arm tight around me and led me into a living room. We stopped at the door and I smelt a familiar scent. Ashley cleared his throat and the man who was sitting in an armchair facing away turned to look at us. His green eyes went wide then a huge smile spread across his face as I gasped.

"Victoria!" My father exclaimed. Ashley let go of me chuckling as I ran to my father and embraced him in a tight hug. I felt him shake slightly as he cried with happiness and clung to me tightly. "Oh my god Tori. My poor baby. We thought we'd lost you."

"I know daddy. I thought I'd lost you all. I was so scared. I'm sorry. I just sat back and watched." I cried. He pulled back and put his index finger under my chin to make me look at him.

"Tori it wasn't your fault. You were young. You were scared. You obeyed my orders and stayed back." He kissed my forehead and pulled back completely as a new pair of arms wrapped around my waist to pull me against his chest. I looked up at Ashley to see him smiling sadly at me. "Now Ashley, take her to bed. She needs her sleep." Ashley nodded and pulled me out of the room, up the stairs and into - I presumed - his room. He picked me up bridal style and set me down on his comfy big bed. He layed down next to me on the bed so I snuggled up close to his side.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He whispered lovingly.

"Night Ash." I yawned sleepily then peacefully drifted off to sleep.

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