River Pack ~ Chapter 12

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Shelly's P.O.V

How could they do that to me! How could Ryan stand up for that piece of crap! it was a good thing that i made him pay then werent it. He actually thought i really loved him. Ha Ha. Stupid man. i didn't love him. i love our time in bed. Not him. Never him. i just picked him bedcause he was single and weak. Damn he was so gullible. it was almost pathetic to watch. i had to keep up that fake act just to get some action. it was worth it though i suppose. Hopefully i wont have to go through that again. Although, i could have any single i wanted. i was that good :D .

Danny's P.O.V

Michael and Jonathan had come back by the time all this commotion was finished. Thank god. That was low even for Shelly. That ungrateful cow got all she wanted, yet she had to go ahead and do something like that. i had had to question the new girl Sarah because of that which luckily my dear Alice did with me. Oh how i loved her.

"So tell me what set this all off?" i asked.

"That woman um, saw my reaction to her man and i saw her smirk then once the guy was gone, she transformed into her wolf and tried to hurt me." She explained whilst looking down. "Luckily that other woman, Tori was it? She came out and defended me. i was so scared. i had no idea what i'd done or what was going to happen. She got hurt because of me."

"It's ok. Tori's a tough cookie. She's been hurt worse before by other packs. This was just quite unexpected. Alice can you call her in for me?" She nodded then walked out of the office to get her. i watched Sarah as she played with her short spiky ginger hair with her tanned hands and her clear green eyes cast down. Poor girl was scared so badly and was so new to our pack. This was not the kind of greeting i had had in mind.

Sarah's P.O.V

i was so nervous. What if they wanted to kick me out of the Pack? What would we do then? What if Tori hated me because i got her in trouble and hurt? i was already scared of being new to the pack, and now i was even more scared because i had already caused trouble. What was wrong with me!

"Sarah? Please calm down. i swear to you, everything will be ok." The Alpha Danny smiled gently. i hoped he was right. Just then, the door opened and the Alphas mate walked in with the same woman - Tori  - who had defended me. "Tori, this is the new girl Sarah Silver. Sarah, this is our crazy party girl Tori." Danny chuckled.

"Oh, shut up Danny. i know i'm a party girl but there's no need to try and scare Sarah even more." Tore said rolling her big brown eyes. My eyes went wide as i processed what she had just said. How could she talk like that to the Alpha? i looked to him to see how he was reacting but i just saw him smirking at her with amused eyes. "Hello Sarah, it's nice to meet you." Tori greeted and held out her hand form me. i took it hesitantly and she smiled happily down at me.

"I'm so sorry for getting you injured, but thank you for defending me. No - ones ever done that for me before."

"It's perfectly fine. Trust me yeah? i've had worse. What exactly happened?" Alice sighed then looked sadly at Tori as she told her. i watched Tori's reactions as she told her then story and was amazed at what i saw. it started off as a friendly smile, then it turned to a murderous glare, then it softened as she looked at me. Ok, maybe she didn't hate me. "It's ok Sarah. You don't have to worry about a thing. Just come find me if you have any problems." i nodded smiling then said goodbye to everyone, walked out the office, along the hallway, out the front door, into the car, then drove off back home with a smile on my face.

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