River Pack ~ Chapter 11

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Tori's P.O.V

Ryan and Alice were standing in front of me protectively and Shelly was looking at Ryan amazed. She hadn't expected that he'd get involved and defend me. The selfish self pitying cow. i felt sorry for Ryan. i could feel his anger and betrayed towards Shelly. But i could also feel his sadness and heart break. My poor brother. i limped forward to where Alice and Ryan were standing and growled lowly at Shelly. Her eyes flickered towards me then went back to Ryan. She glared at him then bared her teeth, turned, and ran off through the woods. Thank god she's gone. i looked around at everyone to see them all looking at me worried. i shifted back into my human form and saw that my left hand was bruised and had teeth marks on it. Once i was fully human, Danny let go of Ashley, so he ran straight for me and hugged me tightly in his arms.

"Oh baby. You scared me so bad. i thought she was actually going to get your throat." Ashley said shakily with his face buried in my neck.

"Ssh. I'm ok Ash. I'm ok." i chanted. He tightened his arms around me and began kissing all up my neck, all over me, and then pulled back and just hugged me some more. Remind me not to get him worried. Everyone came rushing over to me and Alice gave me a hug then me my clothes in her fully dressed human form. i thanks her then quickly put my clothes on and was immediately taken into Ryan's arms. He was breathing quickly and shivering slightly. When i looked at him, i saw that he was naked still which made me feel awkward with the rest around. i dragged him over to the back deck then gave him his clothes and told him to get dressed and go up to his room then i'd be there in a minute. i watched him walk off sadly then turned to the rest and was smothered in hugs and 'are you okays?' See, this was why i didn't like being fussed over. It was sweet how they worried about me though.

i walked up stairs slowly then along the hallway to Ryan's roo. i took a deep breath then pushed open his door and stepped in. Ryan was laying curled up on his bed and i could just hear him crying slightly. i walked over to his bed quietly and sat down on the bed next to him. i crossed my legs on the bed and i put my hand on his shoulder.

"Ryan." i whispered quietly. He stirred then looked over at me with red eyes, sighed, then moved his head onto my lap. i stroked his head and played with his hair whilst he sniffled and smiled down adoringly at him. "You alright Ry?" He opened his now faintly red eyes to look up at me then caught my left hand in both of his and stared at my bruise and Shelly's teeth marks.

"She really did this?" He asked in disbelief. Wow. He had no idea that Shelly was using him, or did he. i nodded and he cringed. "Why would she do this? What did you do to deserve that?"

"It's who she is Ry." i shrugged. "Ry? Did you already know that she was using you and that she didn't really love you?" He cringed again but nodded which shocked me. "How?"

"Danny tried to tell me once a few years ago, but i didn't listen, she had told me that she loved me a million times before he warned me. i thought that maybe he didn't like me or something but then out there, she broke my heart by telling me the truth. She told me that she only used me for the bedroom and she never did really love me." He explained quietly. That little cow! How could she do that! If i ever saw her again, i would hurt her. She hurts someone in my family, i hurt her back. It was kind of a rule of mine. Always had been. Now that rule applied nicely here.

i sat with Ryan for a little while until i was called down stairs. i told Ry to get some rest then to come downstairs to have a laugh with the guys. i came down the stairs and was tackled straight away by little Sally. She clung onto my legs like a leech would, so i picked her up into my arms and hugged her better there.

"Mummy, did Shelly really hurt you?" She whimpered.

"Yes dear, but mummy's ok." i smiled then kissed her forehead. My lovely little girl, always worries about people. She would be a great adult. She snuggled into my chest and clung onto me tightly. i chuckled then walked into the kitchen with her to see Jacob and Jeremy rummaging through the fridge.

"Aunty Tori." Jeremy beamed. Jacob turned to look at me and he also beamed at me.

"Hello boys. Where's your sister Jake?" i smiled adoringly.

"I dunno." He shrugged. At that very moment Sammy came skipping into the kitchen.

"I'm here aunty Tori." She sang whilst coming over to hug me.

"Hello Sammy dear. What were you boys doing?" i chuckled as i put a smiling Sally down on the floor next to her cousin.

"We wanted an ice cream aunty Tori." Jacob smiled.

"Did you guys ask?" i smirked.

"Nope." Jeremy giggled.

"Please aunty Tori." They all chimed.

"Please mummy." Sally copied.

"Okay than." i laughed. They all cheered then raced getting their ice creams out and all ran off out of the kitchen. Those kids were trouble, but, we all loved them so much.

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