Let's go back

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Wei Ying watched as Land Zhan struggled to finish his entire plate, trying not to laugh at how red his face was. Meanwhile, Lan Zhan finished and drank yet another glass of water, trying to calm down his taste buds and stop sweating. He took a deep breath, finishing his water while Wei Ying finished his bottle of emperor's smile." Lan Zhan, you know if it was too spicy you can say that, back in Lotus pier, even Jiang Cheng couldn't handle the amount of spicyness that i liked". He said as he let a small laugh escape his mouth, wich he covered with his two hands as if he was scared that Lan Zhan would be mad at him for laughing or that the older would think that he was mocking him or making fun of him in some way. After some more time, they finished eating and drinking and decided to go home. On their way out, Wei Ying was about to ask Lan Zhan a question when he felt a rock or something of the sort under his foot, wich almost made him trip when Lan Zhan caught him, putting his arm around his waist.

After he stabilized himself he stood up straight, blushing at the fact that he had almost fallen infront of Lan Zhan, and that on top of that he had held him by the waist." Carefully". Said the older as he watched the younger's face get red, smiling slightly at his cuteness. Wei Ying nodded as he nervously laughed, completely forgetting about the fact that he wanted to ask the other a question." Is there anything you would like to do before going back to cloud recesses?". Asked Lan Zhan as he looked at the boy." Mhm, no". He answered as he looked at him with big eyes, wich made Lan Zhan's heart almost burst from his cuteness. Although he also wasn't convinced that Wei Ying didn't want to do anything. He knows the younger pretty well and he knew that the younger loved going out and doing things, he was quite restless so being outside was something that he loved.

So instead of going on the path back home, Lan Zhan went on the streets where all the shops were and started walking there." Lan Zhan, where are we going?". He asked confused as to why he changed paths. Lan Zhan didn't say anything, he just took out his money pouch and gave it to Wei Ying." Go, have fun". He said as he saw the boy look at him confused." But i-". He didn't have the time to finish his sentence as Lan Zhan took him by the arm and started walking forward." But Lan Zhan you really don't have too". He said, a little uncomfortable to just go and spend the older's money." Yes, go. I want Wei Ying happy". He said as he slightly pushed him infront.Wei Ying smiled as he started to get comfortable again, walking around next to Lan Zhan, pointing at stuff, talking to him about random stuff, all around Wei Ying was having fun, wich made Lan Zhan happy, wich showed as his facial expression got soft as he looked at the younger, slightly smiling at him.

Wei Ying was walking, smiling and looking around when he caught Lan Zhan's gaze, getting lost in his eyes. Lan Zhan didn't look away either, to immersed in the other's eyes. Wei Ying looked away after some time, flustered as he hid his face and walked faster as he could feel his face get covered in a deep shade of red. Lan Zhan slightly chuckled, finding the younger adorable. They had been walking around for quite some time when Wei Ying got tired of walking and wanted to go back." Lan Zhan i'm tired, let's go back". He said as the mentioned man nodded and they both turned into a street that went directly into a pathway that led to cloud recesses.

They had been walking for a couple of hours already when they noticed that it started to get dark and they would obviously not have enough time to be back in time before the curfew wich made Wei Ying groan." Lan Zhan i can't walk any faster". He whined as he grabbed his arm to stop him from walking. Lan Zhan turned to look at him and saw that he really did look tired, zo he decided to go find a in that was nearby and sleep there for the night. After a couple of minutes they finally found a in, so they both entered and saw a person come to the door of the in." Hello young master, how can I help you?". Asked a worker as he bowed." Hello sir, can we get a room for this night?". Asked Wei Ying.

Both men looked at him, the worker confused as to why the two men were getting only one room and Lan Zhan looking slightly flustered that he'd be sharing a room with the other." Sir, we have other rooms too if that's the problem". He said, thinking that the youngest thought that there wasn't any rooms." Oh it's ok, one room is ok". He responded as he looked at Lan Zhan." Unless you want to be in a different room Lan Zhan". He said as he looked at him with big eyes." No, it's ok". He said softly. The worker nodded and started walking, telling the two other's too follow him as he showed them too their room." Have a good night young masters". He said as he left the two men alone in the room.

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