Chapter 2

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"WHAT!!??" Inko Midoriya screamed letting go of the cup of tea she was holding.

"Calm down ma'am, we don't know how it happened. We came the next morning and saw it like that" one of the men there explained.

Inko began to cry again. Even in death her son was still being disrespected.

"I want you to find who did this, I want to know who wants to see my son suffer even in death" she said in a harsh whisper.

The men nodded and quickly left. Alone she broke down again.

"I'm so sorry Izuku"

The news of Izuku's grave being dug up spread like wildfire and soon the whole city was talking about it. Those who heard his story or knew him were sickened and pleaded with the police force and heroes to find who was responsible.

"So now they care, pathetic" a hooded figure said watching the commotion from above before warping away in a spiralling pattern.


Katsuki Bakugo was walking back to his home in silence. He heard the news about Izuku, and it pissed him off. He didn't know why someone would do such a thing, but he hoped they'd be caught. Then again, who was he to judge. He was the reason all this happened in the first place. If he hadn't been such an ass. He reached his home and looked up to the sky sadly.

'I will become a hero ... for the both of us' he thought before entering his house.

A figure walked out from the alley and headed under a bridge.

"If I'm not mistaken, he should he arriving here right about ... now"

As if on cue a buildup of sludge began to form behind Izuku. "Oh perfect, a host! Give me your body kid!"

The sludge person charged at the figure but was met with a single blazing red eye.

"What ... Is going on?" he said as his world went blank.

He woke up to a black void, where he saw the same hooded figure.

"Who the hell are you?! What did you do to me?!"

"That is none of your concern. As for what I did to you, it won't compare to what I'm going to do" the figure said darkly.

The sludge monster began to scream as the figure tortured him almost to death, before healing him, and the process was repeated over and over till he was nothing but a pile of shivering sludge.

Back in the real world the sludge monsters form dropped as he didn't have the mental strength to hold himself together. A large boom was heard as a golden figure stood at the other end of the tunnel.

"STOP RIGHT THERE!". Izuku's eye widened seeing All Might for the first time in person, but soon regained his composure.

"All Might..."

The hero walked over with a serious look in his face.

"Who are you? And why is he looking like that?" All Might said pointing at the shivering pile of sludge.

"He got in my way, and I dealt with him"

"But you aren't supposed to use your quirk in public without a license. It's an offence"

Izuku's voice changed taking All Might aback."Those damn rules don't apply to a dead person" he said warping away before All Might could do anything else.

'A dead person? Strange' he thought gathering up the sludge.

"Who was that?" he asked before jumping off.


Katsuki Bakugo walked into UA uncharacteristically quietly. Ever since Izuku's death he began keeping to himself more than usual. He dedicated his time to training hard so he could be a hero Izuku would be proud of.

Speaking of which, he may have been imagining it, but he did feel numerous times as if someone was watching him. From school, to the arcade, everywhere he went he felt the eyes of someone on him. He had seen a hooded figure one time, but chalked it up to his paranoia. Today was the entrance exams, the day he'd make it into UA. He entered the hall and sat where he was directed to.

The introduction wasn't at all lively but Present Mic made it seem like it. I mean how could fighting robots sound so boring? He zoned out not even hearing a blue haired boys rant about UA not being adequate enough in explaining the exam.

After the whole boring speech he went to the changing rooms to get ready for the practical portion. Finally something exciting. At the exam site dubbed Mock City B, a black haired man called the beginning of the exam.

"What are you waiting for. There are no countdowns in a real battle. Get going!"

The candidates needed no more prompting as they all rushed out into the city. Bakugo blasted easily above the pack and into a horde of robots.

"This is gonna be easy" he said with a grin. One of them sensing him turned and charged at him, hitting the ground but he jumped away using his explosions.

He propelled himself downwards slamming a powerful explosion destroying it's head completely. He turned to the others with a wide grin and prepared as they rushed at him.


Bakugo walked out the alleyway in which he was in feeling strange. Someone was  watching him.

"Who ever is there better come out now" he said in a harsh tone.

"That isn't a nice way to talk to someone now is it?" a light cheery voice chipped.

Bakugo turned to the figure taken aback by his demeanor.

"Well you see I saw you're pretty strong, and well I was interested" he said still jumping about.

Bakugo blasted at him trying to catch him off guard but he was shocked as he passed straight through the figure like he wasn't even there.

"Yo hoo! Can't catch me!" the figure mocked. Bakugo gritted his teeth.

"Why the hell are you messing with me?"

The figure stopped jumping around becoming serious scaring Bakugo a bit at the change of atmosphere.

"I'm a ghost that has come to haunt you ... Kaachan"

Bakugo's eyes widened as the figure warped out of sight.

"Wait!" Bakugo called but the figure was already gone.

'Who was that?'

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