Chapter 3

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Katsuki Bakugo was nervously walking into UA, not because he was scared, but because lately the "ghost" that he met at the entrance exams was a constant topic in his mind.

Who could it be? Why did they choose to haunt him? He reached the class rather late and slid the door open. Aizawa was addressing his new students when Bakugo opened the door.

"Sorry I'm late. It won't happen again" he said closing the door. Aizawa nodded and pointed to his seat. Bakugo didn't even glance to see his new classmates because of the spectre looming over him.

"As I was saying. UA doesn't follow standard protocol meaning I run my class as I see fit. Get changed and meet me outside" he said walking away.


"That's all for today. You're free to do as you want, just stay in line" Aizawa said leaving the training area.

The students sighed in relief. They had been through quite a scare.

"Man I'm glad no one got expelled" a yellow haired boy said.

Bakugo silently started heading for the class when a red haired boy approached him.

"Hey man, is something wrong? You seem out of it - to me of course"

Bakugo just sighed. "Just got alot on my mind is all. I'm fine"

They engaged in small talk all the way to the classroom. After a while everyone began heading their separate ways.

Bakugo took the train to his house and rested before going off to train. The experience in UA was definitely different from normal school, though it got boring after a few days.

About two weeks into their first year, as Present Mic was finishing with grammar lessons. The ground began to shake, as if a herd of buffalo were stampeding towards them. The doors burst open to reveal the shining golden figure of the number 1 hero.


"ALL MIGHT!!!" the class yelled in awe.

They knew he was a teacher at UA, but to think he'd be teaching them. Bakugo's mood dropped seeing the number 1 hero. His thoughts going to his dead friend.

'He would've loved to see him right now...'

All Might coughed gaining their attention. "Well today we'll be having your first hero combat training. Today's activity will be a 2v2 battle simulation. A team of heroes vs a villain team. The villains have an explosive device and are to hide it in a building on whatever floor they think is safest. There is also a time limit of 15 minutes. It's not fair, but it's what pros do on a daily basis"

He pulled out a remote and clicked a button. "As they say, the clothes make the pros! Get suited up and let's go!" he said excitxedly.


Izuku walked into an abandoned warehouse looking around.

"Definitely has the classic supervillain feel to it" he mused.

A huge black tendril shot out of the darkness at him, but to the users shock nothing happened.

"Woah woah woah! I'm not here to fight I swear!"

A large man with a sort of metal headpiece walked out.

"To what do I owe the pleasure child? I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into"

Izuku tilted his head to the side before laughing out. "Of course I did! Why the hell would I be here if I didn't know who you were?"

All for One grinned at the boy before him. "What do you want? I'm not a man who wastes time on frivolities" he said darkly.

Izuku's mood suddenly changed as the atmosphere became tense. "I suggest you calm down and listen to me" he said as his voice became more serious and menacing.

All for One was shocked at the killing intent leaking off the boy. So much that he decided to do what he said.

"Very well"

Izuku's former childish demeanor kicked back in as he began to explain.

"You see, UA has pretty cool students, very powerful quirks, and what's more is that All Might is now working there!"

All for One perked up hearing this latest development. "That is quite the news"

"Well I do need a favor from you, just a teensy weensy favor!"

"Go on..." All for One said warily. This kid was dangerous.

"I found out that UA will be having a little hero training trip to one of their facilities. All Might is gonna be there~

All for One's smile widened. "Yes, I would be willing to help with that. I too have a bone to pick with the Symbol of Peace" he said with a creepy smile.

"Good, I'll go to UA now and see what they're up to, y'know, cause some mayhem"

"And how exactly would you do that? You'd be swarmed in minutes" All for One questioned. Izuku only laughed.

"Don't worry, they won't catch me" he said warping away.

All for One paused to recall this interesting conversation with this mysterious boy. He didn't sound older than 15 but yet he had such a powerful aura around him.

'A worthy candidate indeed. I need to keep him close'


Bakugo was in a heated battle against the hero team. He was put with Iida as the villains while Ochako Uraraka and Shoto Todoroki were the hero team.

Todoroki shot a massive I pillar at them but to both theirs and the teachers shock, it spiralled out of existence before a figure appeared in the center of the room.

"Yo!" he greeted excitedly. Bakugo looked in shock.

"It's you ... You're gonna give me answers!!" Bakugo yelled charging at him.

Todoroki and Iida seeing as he obviously wasn't a student charged at him as well. Bakugo's explosion went right through the figure, so did Todoroki's and Iida's attacks.

"What kind of quirk is that?! It's like he's a ghost!" Iida yelled.

Aizawa and All Might bust into the room to the relief of the students.

"It's you again! Surrender!" All Might boomed.

Izuku apparently stuck out his imaginary tongue at All Might taunting him. Aizawa activated his quirk and that gave everyone the chance to attack. To their utter shock, he was still intangible. It really looked like he was a ghost.

"I'm cancelling your quirk. How is this possible?" Aizawa asked.

"I dunno man, beats me too" Izuku said nonchalantly.

"Oh hey Kaachan, been a while" he said and waved excitedly.

"Don't call me that!!!" Bakugo yelled enraged that someone other than Izuku used that name. It brought so many bad memories that it hurt just hearing the name. Izuku looked at his wrist before clicking his tongue.

"My time's up, I had my fun. Oh and by the way ... Heads up!!"

As soon as he said that the ice pillar that Todoroki originally shot came out of nowhere. All Might had to step in to stop any serious injuries. When the dust settled the figure was gone. Bakugo grit his teeth in frustration.

"He got away again!!" he said banging the floor. Aizawa looked to him with a serious expression.

"You have some explaining to do"

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