Chapter 6

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A few weeks had passed since the Hosu city incident. The internships were over and the injured students were back to full health - each with a new understanding of how strong the masked person was.

Iida had to be taken to therapy after the encounter but for now was in stable condition. The students had a little test to see how far they had grown, and it was definitely impressive - although compared to that masked person who was about their age was nothing.

Aizawa wondered what could push a kid that age to become a villain. A hard life? Or was he just born into evil? Either way he felt the boys power would go to waste if he was just arrested, but alas that was the only option. Another mistake made by the society they lived in.

The students were currently preparing for the final exams, and the school had something different planned this year.


Izuku sat across the league of villains looking at them tensely. They all felt nervous - even Dabi was feeling uneasy.

"Umm ... To begin with, what do we even call you? You never told us your name" Twice asked before suddenly yelling that they didn't need to know that.

Izuku sighed. "That must've slipped my mind. For now call me Tobi. With that aside, you are all aware that All for One is now under my control. I always had this in mind ever since I joined. His goals were nothing but for his own selfish gain. I on the other hand can sympathize with all of you here, rejects of society, outcasts, freaks and weirdos"

They listened silently with some reminiscing on their past.

"We didn't turn to evil by choice, society forced us to take this path, and we'll make them pay. I want them to see that the bad past they buried will always come back to haunt them. That the heroes they worship and look up to like gods are nothing but fakes and liars. I will need all of your help to accomplish this, it was a shame I had to kill Shigaraki, but his allegiance to All for One was unwavering"

They all nodded at his words. "I for one agree with everything you just said. I would love nothing more than to show those heroes that they can't bury the past forever" Dabi said evilly.

Izuku smirked under his mask. Dabi was probably the only one who understood exactly what he meant.

"You can all go now, but Dabi, I need to speak to you"

The others left leaving the two alone.

"Who are you really?" Izuku asked in a curious tone.

Dabi smirked

"Something like that can't be given for free, how bout a trade?"

Izuku sighed before slowly taking off his mask. Dabi's eyes widened in shock.

"Izuku Midoriya... You're alive?"

"Yes I am ... but for now no one needs to know that ... Touya Todoroki"

Dabi recoiled in shock again as Izuku called his real name.

"H-how did you know?"

"I had a hunch, you just confirmed it"

The previous smirk found it's way to Dabi's face again.

"I guess this means we're accomplices of a bigger goal. Yours is Endeavor and mine ... an old friend"

Dabi got up before speaking "For now your Tobi, right?"

"Yes, for now ... "


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