Chapter 8

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The whole world now knew of All Might's victory, and of the cost. The Symbol of Peace was no more. All Might after the fight officially announced his retirement. The masked man was also revealed as the true leader of the league of villains.

A kid his age being able to control the greatest evil mankind has ever seen was unheard of. What kind of power dodge possess? Izuku also made preparations because his role had been revealed and the heroes would soon make their move.

Another thing that changed was his appearance. He now wore a purple battle robe and black shinobi pants and sandals with tape on his shins. His mask too was swapped with a white one with two eye holes this time. He did it to pay homage to his sensei, Obito.

The time had come, soon he would declare war on hero society.


The students at UA were all excited for the next step in their hero journey. Today they were heading off on their work studies. Bakugo who had passed the recent provisional hero license exam - albeit barely was excited.

Ever since he had failed the final exams he tried not to get riled up by people's words and this time it paid off. He was heading to Nighteye's agency after he was recommended by Mirio - a third year in UA and part of the big three.

They had been introduced to the big three earlier to explain work studies, which ended up with Mirio challenging the entire class and actually curbstomping them. Mirio right on time arrived at class 1a.

"Yo Bakugo let's get moving. Sir doesn't like it when you're late"

Bakugo slung his bag over his shoulder and followed. These work studies would give him a chance to get stronger. He never wanted to feel so weak and helpless ever again - especially with the masked man.

At Nighteye's agency

Nighteye observed the boy in front of him with interest. He certainly looked capable, but his over favoritism of Mirio made him dismiss the thought.

"Katsuki Bakugo, winner of the 1st year sports festival. Why did you choose my agency?"

"I'm here to get stronger, and Mirio is about the strongest person I've fought. If you trained him it means you can train me too". Nighteye nodded pleased at the praise Mirio received - well deserved.

"It's good to know someone else has seen Mirio as a benchmark of power. I see him surpassing All Might one day. I hope I can say same for you" he said signing Bakugo's form.

"Mirio will show you around, you're under his care. And you'll also be going on patrols with me when I'm less busy"

Bakugo nodded and walked away with Mirio.


A few days had passed and Bakugo soon got bored. Aside from training nothing else really excited him. It was all boring paperwork and endless meetings - little did he know today held a surprise.

Mirio and Bakugo were on the usual patrol, walking around, greeting civilians and making small talk. Suddenly at an alley entrance a little girl ran into Mirio and fell down. Mirio felt the impact and looked down to see a little girl at around the age of 6.

"Hey there, what're you doing out here all by yourself?" he asked in a friendly tone.

A sick, chilling voice cut through the air addressing the little girl. "Eri ... It's not good for you to leave the house unsupervised". Mirio and Bakugo's eyes widened.

'Overhaul' they both thought.

Looking down at the little girl Bakugo got mad. "Why the hell does she have so many bandages?"

Overhaul visibly tensed and Mirio was internally panicking. Sure he could take Overhaul here and now - especially as he had One for All, but he doubted there'd be zero casualties in the process.

It wasn't safe. He gave Bakugo a signal to back down and stepped in.

"Sorry about my partner, he's a but grumpy because we couldn't eat breakfast"

Both Overhaul and Mirio engaged in an awkward exchange of words with each hiding their animosity towards the other.

"It's time to go Eri" Overhaul said. The girl clutched Bakugo harder and whispered.

"Please ... Help me ..."

Before Bakugo could do anything a familiar warping pattern came into view as Izuku appeared. Bakugo's eyes widened.

Not now. If he decided to help Overhaul they were done for.

"Overhaul ... We need to talk about your recent activities" Izuku said in a dead serious voice.

Overhaul was about to do something but he fell limp and Izuku hauled him over his shoulder.

"Take the girl and leave, Overhaul is mine"

Mirio wanted to protest but the look Bakugo gave him shut him up. Reluctantly they left with Eri who was wondering if the other guy was a hero too.


The hero commission were currently in a meeting regarding the latest development - Overhaul's death. The news at first was a rumour but as soon as his body was found the reality set in.

"As much good as he's doing we cannot ignore the crimes he has committed. He's even the reason All Might retired" one man said earning nods fro the rest.

"What do you suggest we do then?"

The leader of the public safety commission spoke up.

"It's simple. We get rid of him. I have a couple of underground heroes that are willing to do the job"

The room was filled with silence at the suggestion. Straight up killing him was a low move but it didn't seem they had any other option.

"We can track him down and eliminate him quietly. Then we cover it up. This isn't herolike, but for society it must be done". Suddenly the clapping of hands was heard and tracing the sound they looked up to see a huge hole in the roof and the masked man sitting nonchalantly.

"I've been wondering when you'd make your move. Though it seems I was right. Hero society is getting corrupt"

Suddenly a wave of bullets shot at him, but went right through.

"That won't work. And plus, if I wanted to kill you all I would've done it when the meeting started, can't you see the hole in the roof" he asked laughing.

"What do you want?!" one of the men asked. Izuku's eyes narrowed as he spoke.

"It's simple, peace, but peace cannot be achieved with the likes of you in power. Hence, I declare war on hero society" he said warping away. 

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