Chapter 4

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The students were on the bus on their way to the USJ. At first they were pumped to be going to the Universal Studios of Japan, but Aizawa put that dream to bed. Though it wasn't as exciting to most, it was still pretty cool. The mood on the bus was a bit tense, as the class had been updated on the masked person situation. He not only snuck into UA but got out without anyone knowing how.

Bakugo was silent. What did that bastard want from him? Why wouldn't he leave him be? They soon arrived at the USJ. This time though All Might was with them along with the other teachers. If that person could get in and out of UA that easily who knows when he'd bring others.

They'd rather be prepared than caught off guard. True to their suspicion a party of villains were waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs. The pros jumped into action taking out the small fry villains. Eventually only the leader from what it seemed was left along with a giant bird creature.

"Nomu! Kill All Might!". The creature shrieked in acknowledgement and charged at the number 1 hero.

The clash was titanic, but with the other pros there the Nomu didn't stand a chance. It was completely destroyed by the teamwork of the heroes. Shigaraki scratched his neck in rage. This wasn't how it was supposed to go! They cheated. It wasn't fair! The Nomu was soon pinned down and soon Shigaraki followed suit.

'Damn it' he thought.

Suddenly a spiral pattern rippled into view of everyone.

"Heyoo! It's me again! If you guys don't mind I'll be needing these three. Thank you!"

He was stopped as Snipe shot a bullet at his arm, but phased through it. All Might charged at him at full speed not wanting to hold back. His fist went through the masked person like he was a ghost - again!

"How dumb can you be!? I already told you I'm a ghost! What more do you want me to do to prove it!?" he asked dancing around making ghost impressions.

"Anyway, I'll be taking them now" he said a bit seriously alarming everyone at his change of demeanor.

And again, to their frustration, Shigaraki, Kurogiri and thw the Nomu were warped away.


"All Might, who was that?" Midnight asked worriedly.

"I don't know ..."


It had been two weeks since the USJ incident and the students had long put it behind them. Now they were all focused on the sports festival. It was time to prove their strength.

Bakugo was laser focused on winning the whole event. He would win, not only for himself, but his friend as well. The ride to the stadium was tense, with everyone looking serious and with their game faces on.

Soon enough the massive stadium came into view and the bus drove in. As they got off the bus they didn't wait long as they were called into the stadium grounds. Walking out they could feel the absolute jealousy of the other classes who thought 1a didn't deserve the spotlight. After a brief introduction from Midnight, Bakugo was called up to give a speech.

"I just wanna say ... I'm gonna win"

The crowd roared at the horrible speech and the other classes were enraged even more. The first event was chosen by random spin the wheel and landed on an obstacle course.

The students filed into a crowded hallway making sure 1a was behind. Todoroki and Bakugo though managed to push to the front. As soon as the race was called Todoroki slammed his foot down flash freezing the entire hallway.

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