Chapter 10

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Bakugo was in a state of a mental breakdown. His friend ... was alive all this time? Why didn't he come back? Why didn't he try to become a hero? Why did he turn to evil?

"I-i-zuku ..." he stuttered out again.

The now revealed Izuku Midoriya looked down at his former friend with an indifferent look on his face.

"It's been a while Kaachan"

"Bakugo do you know him?" Kirishima asked.

Bakugo only nodded still stunned. Nighteye suddenly spoke up.

"Few years ago a kid committed suicide. This is him, but i don't understand ... You were dead, you had a funeral. How are you still alive?"

Izuku's glare hardened at Nighteye.

"You don't need to concern yourself with that. I was killed by hero society, and the corruption that runs deep within it. I was a quirkless kid, and because of that I was treated like trash, and worst of all the heroes I adored never did anything to help. I was a kid with a naive dream that someday someone, anyone would believe in me, but that ended. Izuku Midoriya is dead ... I'm not the same kid I was back then"

Dabi then arrived at the scene beside Izuku.

"I think it's my turn now Izuku" he said grinning at Endeavor.

"Why are you looking at me?" the hero asked.

"Endeavor, or should I say Enji Todoroki. You too are a hero that tried to bury the past, but today is the day I expose you" Dabi said pouring a liquid on his hair.

As the white locks began to show Endeavor's eyes widened.


"Bingo!!" Dabi yelled laughing. "Let's go old man!! Let me show you how strong I've gotten!!"

Endeavor had no time to react as a wave of flames shot him out of the area and a laughing Dabi in hot pursuit.

"Aizawa go with Endeavor. Your quirk won't work on him" Nighteye said pointing at Izuku.

Mirio appeared again to hit Izuku but this time he didn't have the element of surprise.

"You think I'd fall for that again?!" he said kicking Mirio away.

Todoroki had long since gone after Endeavor and Dabi along with Aizawa so Tamaki and Nejire had to jump in to help their friend.

Nighteye grit his teeth knowing he was basically useless now and couldn't help much. Izuku knowing this quickly downed both third years and made a B-line for Nighteye only to be intercepted by Tokoyami and dark shadow.

"You won't get past us!!"

The students and even some heroes all attacked at once leaving Izuku to have to fight them all.

"Wood clones!!"

About 50 copies of himself sprouted from the ground and began attacking in different directions, throwing fireballs or lightning jutsu everywhere. Even through all this mayhem Bakugo was frozen in place. He could only watch. His body wouldn't budge.

Izuku was alive, and he was a villain. How would his mother take this? It was all his fault. If only he'd been a good friend, none of this would've happened.

"Bakugo snap out of it!! We need you!!" Iida yelled.

Izuku's clones were doing serious damage and only a few managed to escape their attacks.


"JETBURN!!!!" Endeavor and Dabi yelled simultaneously as their attacks collided causing a massive heat burst.

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