Chapter 3 ; The Other Half

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When me and my mom were driving, we stoped in front of a big house. I know this couldnt have been where my dad lived because its just to nice. There was a gate that had the intials JB.

(A/N: JB Dosent stand for Justin Bieber, if thats what you are thinking lol)

JB stood for John Brown which was his name. My last name is Clark but it used to be Brown before my parents divorce.

I stepped out of the car ignoring the beautiful landscape and decided to update my twitter feed. I scrolled down lookin for somethin to entertain me.

DessyLove@TheRealTrill: lookin for the one

theMack@ReadyyorNott: F*ck bitches get money

mindless bhavior@mindlessbehvior: Keep Her On The Low album release party -Ray2wice

Pshh dry ass hell. We walked up to the door step and rung the door bell. In less than 2 minutes a woman with long curly hair and hazel eyes came to door.

???: heyy you must be Lynda

Ym: Yea thats me and you are Maria

Maria: yes thats me -hugs her- come in come in make your self at home.

Just then a tall chocolate colored man walked through the patio door. He had glasses and curly hair. As we all know that is my dad

John: wow Lynda how you been -hugs her-

Lynda: I have been, You know making it

John: wow that is amazing, Good to know

He looked at me but I didnt pay attention. I pretended to play in my phone to avoid communication, but he continued to look at me as though I had something on my face.

Yn: What is everyone staring at?

John: baby girl is that you?

I looked at the nigga like he was crazy, NAH this is fucking Tinker bell dummy

Yn: yes its me

John: wow -walks toward her- my litte girl grew up

He hugged me but I didnt hug back

Yn: do you have a bathroom

Maria: yea just upstairs to your right

Yn: ok thanks

I walked up stairs and admired my surrondings.

Damn, this house is beautiful. It looked like it belonged to a millionare. I stopped at the first door on the right. Nope not the bathroom. I kept going down the hall. I then opened the door and It was a gameroom. Like the one in those high price movie theatres

It was amazing but I really had to pee so i keep walking. Finally I reached the bathroom and i did my buisness. Coming out the bathroom I thought to myself "Do I really wanna go back out there?" It took me maybe a few seconds to answer that. So I went back in that game room I saw earlier.

There was a blue bean bag chair in the corner and I willingly took a seat and pulled out my phone and started playing Angry Birds®



The three adults were downstairs chatting about life, children, and other things. Then a Group of boys at about 5 walked in the house

???: Mom, Dad im home

John: in here son, and this is my step- son Chresanto and his friends Craig, Rayan, Jacob, and Daniel

They all waved at Lynda

Lynda: Where is Yn

John: She must be upstairs -shrugs-

Lynda: oh ok

Santo: Wait whos Yn

Maria: Thats John and Lyndas Daughter. She is about your age 15 i believe.

Lynda: yes and shes up stair doing God knows what

Santos: oh ok well im going upstairs now, Later

The 5 boys ran up the stairs and hit the usual spot they go. The game room


I heard footsteps coming but I was to lazy to get up and I just sat there still on my phone.

All of a sudden the door opened and in walked 5 boys.

Yn: ughhh hi

Santos: you must be Yn

Yn: How do you know my name

Jacob: We were talkin to your mom downstairs

Yn: ohh

Ray: So is your dad John

Yn: Yea sadly

Santos: Why you say sadly

Yn: nothing

Daniel: Well im Diggy, thats Ray, Prince, Prod, and Roc

Yn: um hi

Prodigy: Your on my seat

Yn: oh sorry -gets up-

Prod: -Takes a seat- Thank you

Roc: Um correction thats my chair and this is my house nigga stop being a fat ass

Yn: -giggles-

Prod: oh so you think thats funny

Yn: yea kinda -laughs-

Prod: -gets up- whatever

Diggy: so whats your story

Yn: what ?

Diggy: your background, like where do you come from

Yn: oh well we just got here yesturday but I we moved from Atlanta

Jacob: do you like it here, or there

Yn:well I just moved here but in Altanta I had tons of friends and I took Dance classes

Ray: thats wassup

Jacob POV


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