Chapter 4 ; Feelings

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Prince POV

Wow is this girl beautiful. She is like a goddess that came from heaven. She is so gorgeous. But by the looks of it I can see Ray likes her. The way he is looking at her and the way he talks to her. He never smiles at a girl for the first time unless he likes her.

Roc: So do you know who we are

Yn: umm 5 guys that are bothering me

Daniel: ooo fiesty one on our hands

Yn: o.o umm ok

Roc: *laughs* well these 3 guys *points to the rest of mb* are in a group called mindless behavior and him *points to diggy* Is Diggy Simmons

Yn: wait... Diggy as in Runs House

Daniel: yep thats me

Yn: OMG!!! I used to love you when you were little

Daniel: *chuckles* thanks

Ray: Whay about us

Yn: What about yall

Prod, Roc, Prince, Ray: (-_-)

Yn: What

Prod: Your telling me you dont know who Mindless Behavior is

Yn: I know who yall are im just not a big fan

Prince: so your tellin me that ... we make music, Have a youtube series, do tours, and have 2 albums and you dont like us? But him *points to diggy* Has a few mixtapes and appeared on Runs House and you like him better.

Diggy: ayee dont forget the Scream Tour nigga

Yn: I didnt say I dont like you. I just said im not a big fan

MB: WHY?!!!??!

Yn: Woahh dont jump me now. you guys have enough fans im just not crazy about you

Ray: Hmmm figures but if Diggy says lets go to his house, you would be flying huh

Yn: :o what

Ray: nun

Yn: no I heard what you said, dont play me you dont know me.


Damn, I think I screwed everything up. I think she hates me now. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

Diggy: I have that kind of effect on women

Everybody/exDiggy: Shut up!!

Diggy: o.o ok

Yn: So which one of you is Marias son

Roc: *raises his hand* me why, you know my mom

Yn: yea my dad is your step father

Everyone ex/Yn: O.O

Yn: What

Roc: s-s-so y-you-your my sister o.o

Yn: yea I guess

Roc: *runs downstairs* MOMMMMMMM!!!!!

Maria: What Chresanto

Everyone else comes downstairs including Yn

Roc: So thats the girl that is moving in with us

Yn: *Spits out her juice* WHAT!!!!!???? MOM WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT!!!

John: You didnt tell her did you Lynda

Lynda: Well I was going to ...

Yn: I am not moving in with these people

Lynda: But honey me and your father talked and he is sorry for leaving you and Sabrina

Yn: What about Sabrina

Lynda: Well she is grown now

Yn: So you are leaving me here

John: listen Yn, me and your mother talked about this already (GCO)

(A/N ; By the way "GCO" means Gets Cut Off)


She ran out if the house and as far away as she could get. She didnt want to even think if her parents. or anyone at that matter. She kept walking, and walking, and walking and finally she gave up and sat on a curb.

While Yn is looking down at her shoes a Jeep pulls up.

???: Hey you need a ride

Yn: um sorry I dont talk to strangers

???: Girl we aint strangers, hop in


Theres something about these girls. Like I know them. One had purple straight hair. One had Pink and Blonde hair, One had blue and orange hair, and there was a boy that was fine ass hell. I could tell it was weave though. They all looked like a million bucks, like they were $90 dolls that only rich kids afford.

I just got in the car because I didnt care what happened anymore.

(A/N ; If you guess the OMG Girlz then you are right and the boy is Jacob Latimore)

???: Im Bahja, but call me Beauty

???: Im Breaunna, but call me Babydoll or Bre

???: Im Zohnique, but call me Star or Nique

???: *stares and smiles at Yn* and I am (GCO)

Bahja: TAKEN

Everyone Ex/ Jacob&Yn burst out laughing

Nique: yeah dont forget you are going out with Loudres

(A/N ; Loudres AKA LoLo is Bahja real sister)

???: Sorry about them im (GCO)

Yn: Jacob Latimore I know who you are *blushes*

Nique and Bahja look at eachother while Bre keeps her eyes on the road

JacobL: You a fan

Yn: Yea and I have about 10 posters (I really do-Learra)

JacobL: Yea maybe we can hang out sometime

Bahja: *clears her throat interrupting the conversation* Ughh so Yn I havent seen you around, where you from

Yn: oh I just moved here from Atlanta and to find out I have to live with my dad John (GCO)

Nique: his last name isnt Brown, is it

Yn: Yea John Brown he lives in Heavenly Estates (Made Up)

Nique,Bahja, and Bre: :O

Bahja: you mean to tell me that you are the long lost daughter of John Brown

Yn: *looks confused* yea I just said that

Bre: dang girl you got the hook up

Yn: I guess

JacobL: Have you met the boys yet

Yn: Yea thet are iight

Nique: Just letting you know Ray is mine

Bahja: And Prodigy is mine

JacobL: Your not dating him he hates

Bahja: He dosent know it yet he loves me

Yn: *looks at Bre* I guess that leaves you with Prince I guess

Bre: *focused on the road* Naw I aint got time for a relationship

30 Minutes Later


What do u think is going to happen ?

Drop ua comments and ill make sure to read em.



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