Chapter 18: Nobody Like You

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The music was blaring in my room. I was jamming out to Pigeons by Tyler The Creator. I was fully dressed into my clothes to go to Micahs house. All I had to do was makeup and hair. There was a knock at my door and I went to open it. There standing there was Bre. I rolled my eyes a bit at her.  

"What do you want?" I asked her. 

"I wanted to come hang out."  

"Well I am leaving tonight, so you can show yourself the door." I said while I was about to close the door but a foot stuck in it. It wasn't Bre's, it was Roc.

"Where did yoy say your going?" Roc asked me.  

"I'm going out tonight, its none of your buisness."  

"Who are you going out with?"  

"Didn't I just say its none of your buisness." I yelled at him.

He strugged his shoulders and let himself into my room. I closed the door with Bre still standing there. I walked back into to the bathroom where my straightner was probably already heated. Roc laid back on bed and watched me while I was getting ready in the bathroom. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw him staring at me. I let it go on a little longer until I couldn't stand no longer. "Why are you staring at me." I asked while looking at myself in the mirror. He didn't answer me, so I looked at him. "Oh no reason." He said as he gave me his most famous smile. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to what I was doing. As a little time went past I felf two arms wrap around my waist. At first I thought my mind was playing tricks on me until I realized Roc was in the bathroom with me.

My heart skipped a beat as his arms grabbed me and embraced me from behind. I was surprisingly enjoying every moment of it but my mind was somewhere else. I tried to turn around but he empowered me with his arms. "What are you doing?" The words escaped my lips like dim fireflies. I felt his chin press against my shoulder. "Yn I cant go a day without thinking about you." He said. I sighed, "Roc stop," I said while shaking him off. He let go of me, we stared at eachother, his face inches away from mine. "You'll learn one day." He whispered into my ear and walked out of my room. For some reason that reminded me of the dream I had this morning.

As I walked up to Micahs house I could smell alcohol and the burning of weed. Something in my heart was telling me not to go in that house but my mind lead me otherwise. I couldnt tell if this was his house or some run down shack. I reached into my pocket and pulled ot the slip of paper that Micah wrote the adress on. This was the right house. I knocked on the door, I hesitated a little bit. Just then Donte opened the door. His eyes were blood shot red and he had a red cup into his hand. He gave me a sadistic smile and pulled me into a staggered hug. He smelt like hard liquor. As I watched him close the door there were nothing but boys here that looked either drunk, high, or eager. I was a little confused until I heard a familiar, faint voice coming from behind me.

"Hey you made it." Micah yelled as he picked me up and spun me around.

"Yeah," I said with a weak, sarcastic smile. "Where is Michaela and Joanne?"

"Oh them, they arent coming." he said while pulling me closer. "Its only us." He grabbed my butt as he tried to put his lips towards mines.

I pushed him off of me, "Oh my gosh, Micah your completly drunk. I think its time for me to leave." I said while backing up.

"I wouldnt do that if I were you." He said as he snickered a sinister laugh.

Just then I felt a pair of strong arms grab me and pick me up. I kicked and screamed but it was useless. I decided to try and fight my way out. I kicked the guy that held me. He collapsed and drop me. Micah whistled signifiying the others to come and catch me. I tried and reach for the door but a hand grabbed me. I used my martial arts skill first by elbowing him in the diaphram then by kicking him in his testicals.

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