Chapter 19: Speechless

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Hey Loves , so I have decided to do the different Part Of Views now. But there is going to be a lot of drama in this chapter. So if something happens please dont hunt me down and kill me. Because not every story has a happy ending... But this is not the ending so just read it lol

I stretched and yawned in my bed, it was 7:58 on a Sunday morning. I had been home for about one week now. Marai let me take some time from school until I felt like all the talking about me had died down. The guys had been a really big help for me, they checked on me whenever they had the chance. Especially Roc, we hung out the most out of any of them, he was slowly becoming my favorite.

Me and Roc was sitting on the couch having our daily staring contest that was a everyday thing.

"Ha! You blinked. I win again" He said dancing around like a 5 year old.

I threw a pillow at him and we both continued to laugh at eachothers nonsence. While we laughed there was a knock at the door. It wasn't just any knock, it was a more stern knock. I gave Roc a weird look and he got up and ansered the door. I watched him as he slowly opened it.

"Is this the the Brown residence?" The person on the other side of the door asked.

"Yes, Is there a problem?" Roc asked.

"May we come in?" The people asked.

Roc slowly let them in. There was two men with formal attire on followed by one woman police officer. Maria walked from downstairs.

"Um hello officer, can I help you with anything?" She asked them while Roc took a seat next to me on the couch.

"I am aware that a person by the name of Chresanto August lives here right?" The officer said.

"Um yes thats my son, why has he done something wrong." Maria asked.

"I am detective Kennady." He said adressing himself. "This is detective Gonzalez and thats Officer May." He said pointing to the other two. "I have been aware that your son was involved in the shooting of Micah Thomas and Clay dickerson."

Maria looked at Chresanto and back to the officers, "He didnt kill anyone, right?"

"They are both in stable condition now, But we would like to know if we could take him down to the station for further questioning." The detective asked.

Maria looked at us, and nodded. "Will I be able to go with him?" She asked as the officers nodded their heads. Roc got up and looked at me., I was going to be right by his side on this one. The officer handcuffed him and put him in the back of the police car, as me and Maria started up the car and followed behind them.


 I knew this was gong to happen sooner or later. Everything was gonna catch up to me and it did. As I sat in the back of the polise cruiser I did a lot of thinking. I ever traced back to that night when I found them and I had my step dads gun. I didnt mean to shoot anybody, but the anger filled up inside of me when I seen Yn in that pool of blood.

 Apparently my thoughts got to the best of me because before I knew it, we were already in downtown LA at the police station. The officer took her time to get me out of the car but as soon as I got out of the car it was a wave of fresh air that came over me. She led me into the Office building and into the lobby. She told me to sit down in a chair and I did so. The officer wrote my down in a binder that was on the counter.

 I sat there handcuffed to the chair as I waited in the lobby, my mom and Yn were on the other side of the other side lobby. Then, all of a sudden the two same officers that came to my house uncuffed me and lead me into a sound proof room where there was a tape recorder and two chairs that were separated by a bland table. I sat down and rubbed my wrists which were red from the tightness of the handcuffs.

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