Chapter 22: Although Im Missing You

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He was kissing on my neck as if it was his last thing to taste. I moaned in pleasure while sitting in between his legs caressing his biceps. He was perfect... he was my dream come true. His lips meet the edges of my outer jaw as he watched me cringe from his touch. His lips were inches away from mine... "I love you..." I whispered in his ear. HIs eyes were looking deep into mine. "YN, I ..."


I woke up to my alarm as my mom skipped into my room. "Hello dear." She said as she opened my curtains letting in the Wednesday morning sunshine. I groaned as she flipped the blankets off of me.

"Mom, do I have to go to school today." I said while putting my pillow over my head. It has been 2 weeks since I had gone to school. I really didnt want to go due to the fact of the past events. My mom had walked out of my room and I sat in my bed and texted Roc.

BIgHead<3: Hey what time are you coming to pick me up

Her:): Same time as usual. Wear something nice

BigHead<3: Why, lol its just school

Her:): Because alot of people miss you and I want to see you in something nice ;)

BigHead<3: Okay.. but just for you lol

Her:): Yay!! I'll text you when im outside.

I threw my phone to the side and smiled to myself, he was so cute and I missed him terribly. I got out of bed and got to work.

After taking a shower, I applied my makeup while my curler was plugged in heating. I didnt have an outfit yet, but I wanted it to be cute especially for Roc. I decided I was going to go for the cute girly look today considering the fact that Roc never saw me in anything of that nature. I went into one of my boxes and grabbed my makeup bag that was filled with my pink's, red's, and black's, I also decided to put on my heels today. Not only do I want to impress Roc but I also want everyone to know that what has happened didnt break me or tear me apart.

As I was just about done getting ready, my door opened. "YN.. Where is my... ZAMN MAMI YOU CUTE." Sabrina smirked at me. She walked around me looking me up and down. "So.. Whos the lucky guy?"

"What are you talking about." I asked sounding obvious.

"Oh come on sissy, you never put on makeup, especially for school." She said as she cuffed my face causing my lips to make a kissy face. I laughed at her teasing which she did constanty when it came to me and boys. I put my head down and smiled.

"Its that Chresanto boy... isnt it?" she said while she smirked. I didnt answer her, "OMG, it is him! You like him! I knew it!" She said while wiggling her fingers.

"Please dont say anything Sabrina!" I pleaded her. I heard a honk outside then my phone vibrated.

"He's oustide isnt he." She grinned. I pushed past her and grabbed my bag off of my bed. I was walking out of my room door, then I turned around. "Please dont say anything Sabii... Just, just let me tell him myself." I said

"Fine!" She sighed. I held out my pinky and she hesitated a bit but she soon grabbed it. "Oh and here, you left it in your bathroom." She said as she handed me my phone and walked out of the room with me.

"LATER MOM I LOVE YOU." I yelled before walking out of the house.

I walked around the pavement as I saw Roc leaning on the side of the passenger door paying attention to his phone. The clicks of my heels must have been loud because he quickly sprung his head up. He didnt look to pleased but more in a quandry. I walked up to him and he looked at me and smiled. 

"Well hello my lady." He said as he opened the door for me. I smiled at him and sat in the car as he walked around to the other side. 

When he got into the car, he started it up and pulled out of the drive way. It was a long silent drive until he spoke up. "Well you look nice today." He said while looking over at me then at the road. I smiled at him signifying a yes. "So how do you feel about the whole thing that happened?" he asked me. I let out a huge sigh, "Well, I dont want anyone to talk about it or get mad at me for sending them to jail." I said sounding worried. "Oh trust me, no one going to mess with you as long as your with me okay." He said. I smiled at his comment. 

When we finally got to the school the butterflies started to kick in. Me and Roc made our way into the school and I felt the stares. Many people were looking at me, even people I didnt even know. I felt Rocs arm wrap around me. "You'll be fine" He said as he whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

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