Chapter 24: Final

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We sat on the floor lauging at ourselves. Roc held his stomach as he let out all of his laughter as well as a few coughs. I cradled myself and tears formed in my eyes from the laughter that was all around us. 

 His laugh tamed and so did mine, "Wow thats crazy." He said as he wiped his eyes. I laughed some more, "Well I guess its time to head back to school." I said. He stood up and held his out for me. I grabbed it and got to my feet. We both headed out of the room and down the stairs. 


I sat in my 7th period and thought about my conversation with Chres earlier. I can't believe he was leaving me. I guess Maria and John finalized their divorce a week ago and she's moving out. Nobody knew about this but Roc and he is just now telling me that he is moving across the country to New York while John is staying here. We don't know when he is moving but it's going to be very soon and he doesn't want anyone to know until he knows its for sure. 


He took a deep breath then looked at me, "Yn, I dont think I can do this." 

My heart sank down to my stomach once I heard that. I looked the other way, "Look Chres, I knew this was going to happen. I was gonna catch feelings for you and you were just going to shut me down." By now tears were forming in my eyes. "I just knew it Chres, you dont like me." I said grabbing my things and getting up. 

"Yn, Im moving to New York!" He yelled out. I stopped in my tracks and stood there with my back to him. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I guess I just-" he stoped in his sentence. "I guess im scared of... losing you." 

I turned around and walked back to him and sat on his bed next to him. A tear fell from my eye and he caught it. "Don't be sad Yn. I'll come to visit you whenever I can." 

I just stared in his eyes and then hugged him. 

End Of Flashback

"YN, can you answer the question!" Mr. Futelli asked me. I snapped out of my inner thoughts and came back to reality. "Huh?" I said. 

"Just as I thought. Thats a detention Yn." He said as hi called on another girl who had answered his previous question. I sighed and sunk down in my seat and I caught Sebastion staring at me. My eyes interlocked with his and he smiled at me. I looked away and then looked back at him as he slid his friend next to him a handshake. I looked at the clock and there was 5 minutes until this class was over. 


The bell finally rang and I got up and walked out the class room. I met Chresanto by his car and he opened the door for me. "So what are you trying to do today?" He asked while backing out of the parking space. I sighed and looked out of the window. "I could really use a nap." I told him and yawned. He didn't say anything instead he just kept driving. 

I ended up falling asleep in his car and I woke up in my bed.  I went to the bathroom and took off the makeup that smothered my face. Then I went and put on something more comfortable which was a pair of sweat paints and my Stoner hoodie. I walked downstairs and say Ray sitting on my couch. I walked in the kitchen and grabbed a gronala bar. "Why are you here." I asked him unwrapping my bar and leaning against the wall. 

Thats when Sabrina walked in with her skin tight black dress on and her glittery stalletos. Ray stood up when he saw her. I dropped my granola bar when I caught on to what was going on. Ray and Sabrina was going on a date. "So when did this happen?" I asked as I picked up the bar and threw it away. "Well for a while I guess, this is just our first date." Ray answered my question. I nodded and smirkd at them. "Well you two have fun, don't be out to late, and wear a condom." I laughed as Sabrina snorted and Ray chuckled. "It's okay Ms. Clark I'll take good care of her." He laughed and held the door open for her. I gave them a thumbs up and they walked out. 

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