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Yes this is 2.0.

So here's the plan. I have 45 chapters from the previous book backed up. Not all but some. From this point on updates will be slow and I'll be updating this either with new or old.

But I hope all of you can give this reboot a much needed resurrection. I'm just a man who wants to expand their horizons.

Welcome to Yandere book.

*Harmonica Jurassic Park plays*

Well yeah that's about it. But coming with this book I pray better stories and or much more refined and polish stories then I was a 16-18 year old. God I was radiating cringe like Chernobyl.

But I want to thank you people who did read this far that you want to read this again. And yes this is a new book but will contain old stories that I managed to back up somewhere else. So if wattpad does thanos my book again it's all saved so no worries.

Well I guess that's it. Good night and good luck.

Ps. Regarding Requests. You can post them but there's not a guarantee I'll do them.

Yandere Various Version.2Where stories live. Discover now